Senate Graduate Awards Adjudication Committee

Last updated: July 08, 2024

Standing Committee - (Reporting to the Senate Policy Committee on Scholarships Awards and Bursaries)

Tom Members Conditions Term Expiry Date Name
Dean and Associate Provost, Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies (or designate) Chair. Ex-officio     Mary O'Brien
Chair, SPCSAB Ex-officio     Connie Liu
Assistant to Dean of Graduate Studies Secretary, Ex-officio (non-voting)     Deena Coburn
Registrar and Exec. Director Student Enrolment (or designate) Ex-officio (non-voting)     Tom Nault
Faculty Member As on the SPCSAB 2 years May 31, 2025 John Stockie
Convocation Senator Elected by Senate 3 years May 31, 2026 Cristina Eftenaru
Faculty Member (Applied Sciences) Elected by and from respective Faculties 2 years May 31, 2026  
Faculty Member (Arts and Social Sciences) 2 years May 31, 2026 Vaibhav Saria
Faculty Member (Business Admin) 2 years May 31, 2026  
Faculty Member (Communication, Art & Technology) 2 years May 31, 2026 Victoria Thomas
Faculty Member (Education) 2 years May 31, 2026 Tenzin Doleck
Faculty Member (Environment) 2 years May 31, 2025 Tara Holland
Faculty Member (Health Sciences) 2 years May 31, 2026 Kiffer Card
Faculty Member (Science) 2 years May 31, 2026  
Graduate Student As on the SPCSAB 1 year May 31, 2025 Pok Man Tong
Graduate Student (Alternate) As on the SPCSAB 1 year May 31, 2025  
Graduate Student Elected by Senate 1 year May 31, 2025 Sikandra Ali
Graduate Student (Alternate) Elected by Senate 1 year May 31, 2025  

NOTE: In general an "alternate" member is invited to attend meetings when a regular member is not available. Please confirm the role of the alternate member on this committee with the committee secretary.


  1. To adjudicate all Graduate private and University awards.
  2. To recommend to the Policy Committee changes or additions to the Award programs.
  3. To interview students in order to prepare recommendations where required for external agencies.
  4. To confer with scholarship students.
  5. To present scholarships at Secondary School convocations, where appropriate.

Note: In the event no lay member of Senate is available to serve, Senate may elect a general member of the community to serve in that position.


SGAAC meets on demand, ususally 2-3 times per year - in the spring (usually April) and in the summer (July or August) 


6 members