Research Ethics Board

Last updated: January 17, 2024
Members Conditions Term Expiry Date Name
1.5.1 Chair SFU Faculty Member elected annually by REB 1 year May 31, 2023 Wendy Loken Thornton
1.5.1 Deputy Chair Appointed by REB election 1 year May 31, 2023  
1.5.2 Faculty Members
Faculty Member (Applied Sciences) Elected by Senate 3 years May 31, 2025 Teresa Cheung (elected until Sept 30, 2023) 
Faculty Member (Arts and Social Sciences) May 31, 2025  
Faculty Member (Arts and Social Sciences) May 31, 2025 Wendy Loken Thornton (elected until Sept 30, 2023)
Faculty Member (Business) May 31, 2024 Geoffrey Poitras
Faculty Member (Communication, Art & Technology) May 31, 2025  
Faculty Member (Education) May 31, 2024  
Faculty Member (Environment) May 31, 2023 Valerie Crooks
Faculty Member (Health Sciences) May 31, 2024 Jeremy Snyder
Faculty Member (Health Sciences) May 31, 2025 David Whitehurst (elected until Sept 30, 2023)
Faculty Member (Science) 
May 31, 2025  
Faculty Member (Science) May 31, 2025 Victoria Claydon (elected until Sept 30, 2023)
1.1 Five Core members
1.1.1 Member with expertise in research disciplines, fields, methodologies covered by the REB
Elected by Senate
3 years
May 31, 2025
1.1.1 Member with expertise in research disciplines, fields, methodologies covered by the REB
May 31, 2025
1.1.2 Member knowledgeable in ethics
May 31, 2022
1.1.3 Member knowledgeable in relevant law
May 31, 2025
Helen Love (elected until Sept 30, 2023)
1.1.4 Community Member Elected by Senate from community, not affiliated with the University
  December 7, 2022  
1.1.4 Community Member Elected by Senate from community, not affiliated with the University   September 30, 2023 Wayne Marigold
1.3 Additional Members
1.3.1 Member - medical doctor knowledgeable in medical & health research
Elected by Senate
3 years May 31, 2026
Malcolm Steinberg
1.3.2 Member with expertise in Indigenous research
3 years May 31, 2025
1.3.3 Graduate Student Member 2 years May 31, 2025 Tatiana Losev
1.3.5 Additional Member   May 31, 2023 Fred Popovich (Computing Science)
1.3.5 Additional Member     May 31, 2024 Robert Williamson (Education)
1.3.5 Additional Member     May 31, 2024 Jean-Christophe Belisle-Pipon (Health Sciences)
1.4 Non-voting members
1.4.1 Office of Research Ethics Ex-officio (non-voting)     Samantha Roper
1.4.1 Office of Research Ethics Ex-officio (non-voting)     Kim Lajoie 
1.4.1 Office of Research Ethics Ex-officio (non-voting)     Candase Jensen


The SFU REB is divided into three subcommittees: (a) Biomedical and Health Research, (b) Clinical Trials, and (c) Social and Behavioural Sciences. These subcommittees meet on the second Wednesday of every month unless there are no studies to review or no business to transact.

  • The Biomedical and Health Research Subcommittee meets from 10:00 to 12 noon.
  • The Social Sciences and Behavioural Subcommittee meets from 1:30 to 3:30 p.m.
  • The time for the Clinical Trials Committee will be set once a clinical trial protocol requires review.

New Research Ethics Board members will be assigned to either the Biomedical and Health Research or Social and Behavioural Sciences Subcommittee depending on their area of expertise and interest. REB members will be assigned on a case by case basis to the Clinical Trial Subcommittee; this assignment will be made at the time of review of a clinical trial protocol to ensure the proper expertise and required individuals review these protocols.

New members should ensure that they can attend either the Biomedical and Health Research or Social and Behavioural Sciences Subcommittee meetings on a regular basis. New members should contact Kristie Westerlaken at or 778-782-3447 for information.

For further information about the Research Ethics Board, including minutes, agendas, meeting schedules, etc refer to


Research Ethics Administration

SFU Policy R 20.01, Part 5.2 Roles and Responsibilities, and Procedures - Schedule A sets out the following:

5.2 Roles and Responsibilities

5.2.1 The Research Ethics Board (REB) derives its authority from the Senate.

5.2.2 The Vice-President, Research and International is responsible for administrative and operational aspects of the REB.

5.2.3 The Vice-President, Research and International is responsible for determining ongoing financial and administrative resources that are required for the REB to fulfill its duties and for ensuring that these resources are provided.

5.2.4 The University shall authorize such number of REBs organized around volume and type of submission, as determined to be appropriate by the Vice-President, Research and International.

5.2.5 The REB is responsible for reviewing all research covered by this Policy. It has the mandate to review and maintain ongoing oversight of the ethical acceptability of research on behalf of the institution, including approving, rejecting, proposing Provisos to, or suspending or terminating any proposed or ongoing research involving Human Participants.

5.2.6 The REB shall operate in an impartial manner and be independent in its decision making.  The decisions of the REB are not subject to review or interference by the Vice-President, Research and International, the Senate, or any other person or body except to the extent that such decisions may be reviewed through Reconsideration or the Research Ethics Appeal Process, pursuant to the Procedures to this Policy.

5.2.7 The Vice-President, Research and International or her/his delegate is responsible for ensuring that members of the REB are informed and educated regarding all ethics requirements of the Tri-Council granting agencies and all other provincial, national, and international laws, as well as regulations, policies, standards, and guidelines that are relevant to research ethics review.


Procedure for Ethics Review of Research Involving Human Participants, 3.2 Responsibilities of the Administration

3.2.2 The Senate is responsible for the academic governance of the University and this includes the development of new initiatives, the formation of priorities, and the consideration and approval of policies. The Senate has delegated specific responsibilities to the Research Ethics Board (REB) and, as a result, receives annual reports of its activities.

Schedule A. Composition of the Research Ethics Board


1.1 As per Tri-Council Policy Statement requirements (Article 6.4), the REB shall consist of at least five Core Members, of mixed gender, of whom:

1.1.1 at least two members have expertise in relevant research disciplines, fields, and methodologies covered by the REB;

1.1.2 at least one member is knowledgeable in ethics;

1.1.3 at least one member is knowledgeable in the relevant law (but that member should not be the University’s legal counsel or risk manager). This is mandatory for biomedical Research and is advisable, but not mandatory, for other areas of Research; and

1.1.4 at least one community member who has no affiliation with the University but is recruited from the community served by the University.

1.2 It is advisable that each member listed in Section 1.1 be appointed to formally fulfil the

requirements of only one of the stated categories.

1.3 Additional Members may include, but are not limited to:

1.3.1 one medical doctor with relevant knowledge and expertise in medical and health Research;

1.3.2 one member with expertise in Indigenous research;

1.3.3 one or two graduate student members, recruited in consultation with existing REB members and Academic Deans, who will be appointed for a period of two years;

1.3.4 one undergraduate student member, recruited in consultation with existing REB members and Academic Deans, who will be appointed for a period of two years; and

1.3.5 alternate members who may be appointed to ensure that appropriate expertise is present on the REB to address the full array of Research areas being reviewed when regular members are absent due to illness or other unforeseen circumstances.

1.4 Non-Voting Members

1.4.1 Two non-voting representatives from the ORE will serve as ex-officio members on the REB.

1.4.2 The REB Chair, in consultation with REB members, may appoint ad hoc members or seek outside expert advice when reviewing a study that requires specific expertise not currently residing on the REB. Ad hoc reviewers shall not be counted toward quorum nor shall they be allowed to vote on REB decisions; they are simply to provide an expert opinion for the REB to consider in its deliberations.

1.5 Eligibility and Appointments

1.5.1 The Chair of the REB – a faculty member with previous REB experience – will serve a one year renewable term and will be elected by the current board members. At least one Deputy Chair will be appointed by election.

1.5.2 A minimum of one member from each Faculty will be appointed to the REB through a nomination process, with priority given to those filling gaps in the roles noted in 1.1 and 1.3. Additional appointments may be made based on the disciplinary expertise needed to review the applications that come before the board, as determined by the Chair of the REB, in consultation with current members and the ORE staff.

1.5.3 Nominations from and recruitment of faculty, students, and non-SFU members will be managed by the ORE at the behest of the REB. All potential members will be subject to a Senate ratification or decision vote.

1.5.4 To ensure the independence of REB decision making and to avoid perceived conflicts of interest, institutional senior research administrators shall not serve on the REB.


Annual Reports