
Resources Policy Special Issue on Community Benefit Agreements

Adebayo, E., & Werker, E. (2021). How much are benefit-sharing agreements worth to communities affected by mining? Resources Policy, 71, 101970. 

Cascadden, M., Gunton, T., & Rutherford, M. (2021). Best practices for Impact Benefit Agreements. Resources Policy, 70, 101921. 

Gunton, C., Gunton, T., Batson, J., Markey, S., & Dale, D. (2021). Designing fiscal regimes for impact benefit agreements. Resources Policy, 72, 102004. 

Gunton, C., & Markey, S. (2021). The role of community benefit agreements in natural resource governance and community development: Issues and prospects. Resources Policy, 73, 102152. 

Gunton, T., Werker, E., & Markey, S. (2021). Community benefit agreements and natural resource development: Achieving better outcomes. Resources Policy, 73, 102155. 

Hira, A., & Busumtwi-Sam, J. (2021). Improving mining community benefits through better monitoring and evaluation. Resources Policy, 73, 102138. 

O’Faircheallaigh, C. (2021). Explaining outcomes from negotiated agreements in Australia and Canada. Resources Policy, 70, 101922. 

Szoke-Burke, S., & Werker, E. (2021). Benefit sharing, power, and the performance of multi-stakeholder institutions at Ghana’s Ahafo mine. Resources Policy, 71, 101969. 

Resource Royalties and Community Development:

Argent, N., Markey, S., Halseth, G., Ryser, L., & Haslam-McKenzie, F. (2021). The socio-spatial politics of royalties and their distribution: A case study of the Surat Basin, Queensland. Environment and Planning A: Economy and Space, 0308518X211026656. 

Boron, J., & Markey, S. (2020). Exerting Sovereignty Through Relational Self-determination: A Case Study of Mineral Development In Stk’emlupsemc te Secwépemc Territory. Journal of Rural and Community Development, 15(4), Article 4. 

Gunton, C., Markey, S., & Werker, E. (2021). Evaluating British Columbia’s economic policies for liquefied natural gas development. Energy Policy, 151, 111711. 

Markey, S., Halseth, G., Ryser, L., Argent, N., & Boron, J. (2019). Bending the arc of the staples trap: Negotiating rural resource revenues in an age of policy incoherence. Journal of Rural Studies, 67, 25–36. 

Ryser, L., Halseth, G., & Markey, S. (2020). Dis-orienting mobile construction workforces: Impacts and externalities within the political economy of resource-based regions. Labour & Industry: A Journal of the Social and Economic Relations of Work, 30(4), 321–340. 

Ryser, L., Halseth, G., & Markey, S. (2021). The “politics of method” in volatile settings: Research with mobile workers in rural resource regions. Applied Mobilities, 0(0), 1–20. 

Ryser, L., Halseth, G., Markey, S., Gunton, C., & Argent, N. (2019). Path dependency or investing in place: Understanding the changing conditions for rural resource regions. The Extractive Industries and Society, 6(1), 29–40. 

Ryser, L., Markey, S., & Halseth, G. (2020). Scaling up and scaling down supply chains in volatile resource-based economies. Local Economy, 35(8), 831–851.