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Tuition Refund Request
Tuition refund requests are for undergraduate students who dropped their courses due to extenuating circumstances. It should be highlighted that the tuition refund request is for the tuition fee only. All other fees, including supplementary fees are not eligible for refund.
Please note: Due to a high demand in requests, the timeline to process a tuition refund request is 8 - 10 weeks. All communication and notifications will be sent to the SFU email address on file for applicants.
Are you a graduate student? Visti the Graduate Tuition Refund Request webpage for more information.
A student initiates a contract with the University when they enrol in one or more courses. The student declaration and responsibility can be found in the Calendar.
SFU courses have limited seats. The drop deadline schedule is designed to discourage students from holding space in course(s) that they do not intended to complete. Students are considered responsible for knowing and adhering to all deadlines, which are posted in the Academic Calendar for each term in advance under the Fees: payment and refund/penalties section of the Student Deadlines website.
In order to be eligible for a tuition refund request, the following must apply:
- The student must apply within one calendar year of the date the course(s) were taken (i.e., courses taken in the 2024 Spring term must be submitted by the end of the 2025 Spring term).
- One request needs to be submitted for each term.
- Student must meet the criteria for one of the identified eligibility criteria and provide official supporting documentation.
- The course(s) in question must be either dropped, withdrawn (WD on transcript), or Withdrawal Under Extenuating Circumstances (WE on transcript). The one year submission deadline applies to approved retroactive WE.
In order to be eligible for a tuition refund request, the following must apply:
- Extraordinary and unforeseen medical/psychological or personal circumstance that prevented the student from attending classes or successfully completing the academic term or session, such as hospitalization, inability to attend class due to medical grounds, death of a family member, unanticipated transfers or deployments for military and first responder personnel.
- Student applied within one term after the official release of grades for the term of the dropped course(s) (e.g. the course was taken in the 2025 Spring term, the tuition refund request must be submitted by the end of the 2025 Summer term).
- Student has not applied for a tuition refund with this illness or personal circumstance previously.
- The course(s) in question must be either dropped, withdrawn (WD on transcript), or Withdrawal Under Extenuating Circumstances (WE on transcript).
- Student submitted documentation of an extraordinary and unforeseen medical or personal circumstance that prevented them from attending classes or successfully completing the academic term or session, such as a healthcare provider’s form, hospital records, death certificate, or official letters issued from employers or government organizations.
Note: A maximum of a 50% refund is available for eligible courses that have a WD or WE on the transcript. Approval of a WE does not guarantee a refund of tuition
We do not require detailed medical records or the disclosure of a diagnosis, rather the University requires that the form confirm the specific dates on which the student visited the health professional and should include details on the following:
- The degree to which the health issue (or treatment, in the case of medication, for example) is likely to have affected the student's ability to study, attend classes, or sit examinations;
- The length of time over which the student's abilities were likely hampered by the condition;
- The fitness of the student to resume studies.
If the condition began prior to the term of the tuition refund request, documentation should include an explanation of how the condition has worsened or changed in an unforeseeable way that prevented the completion of the course(s).
Students with pre-existing conditions are expected to work with the resources and supports available to them to develop an academic plan to accommodate their condition and needs. This includes: Health and Counselling and the Centre for Accessible Learning for support services.
Required documentation:
- All medical requests must be accompanied by the Tuition Appeals Health Care Provider form.
Recommended documentation:
- A timeline of extenuating circumstances that you feel entitle you to a refund of fees, a brief description of the nature of the circumstances and how they affected your decision to withdraw from the course(s), and the dates when relevant events occurred.
- Written communication with instructors, advisors, if applicable.
- Death of a loved one, including immediate or extended family member, or close friend.
- A sudden change in personal or familial responsibilities, such as taking care of a sick loved one or taking over childcare responsibilities for a sick loved one.
- Other unanticipated events not mentioned above will be considered, provided there is clear supporting documentation.
Required documentation:
- A death certificate or obituary in English (or an official or notarized English translation) is required as documentation. If these documents cannot be obtained, please contact our office at irreac@sfu.ca.
- A timeline of extenuating circumstances that you feel entitle you to a refund of fees, a brief description of the nature of the circumstances and how they affected your decision to withdraw from the course(s), and the dates when relevant events occurred
Other exceptional circumstances, including but not limited to
- Unanticipated transfers or deployments for military and first responder personnel.
Required documentation:
- Official letters issued from employers or government organizations.
- Travel or flight documentation.
Financial reasons
Financial concerns alone are not considered an eligible reason for a refund request. For students facing financial hardship, we encourage connecting with Financial Aid & Awards for advising and support.
Being unaware of tuition refund dates and deadlines
In order to enrol in courses, students must agree to the Student Declaration and Responsibility to complete enrolment actions. The Student Declaration and Responsibility states that students are responsible for knowing and adhering to all deadlines and policies in reference to enrolment and fees.
Nonpayment or Nonattendance
Failure to pay tuition by the tuition payment deadline will not result in an automatic course drop, and failure to pay tuition is not a valid reason for a refund. Students are responsible for all fees incurred by their enrolment actions. Similarly, failure to attend classes in which a student is enrolled is not a valid reason for a refund request
Issues pertaining to course content or instructor performance
Please refer concerns and feedback to the relevant department.
Workload, difficulty, or scheduling issues
It is the student's responsibility to manage their workload, difficulty level, and scheduling needs, and as such these are not considered eligible reasons for a refund request.
Courses not fitting academic program or graduation plan
It is the student's responsibility to understand requirements and work with advisors if necessary to ensure enrolment decisions are suited to their academic plan.
Overenrolling to attend classes before dropping in order to save seats in preferred classes
Students should only enroll in courses they intend to take. Please note that students are responsible for tuition and fees for courses that they were enrolled in from the waitlist. For this reason, it is advised that students drop themselves from any waitlist for courses they no longer intend to take. Overenrollment to secure preferred enrolment opportunities is not a valid reason for a refund request
Appeal a tuition refund decision
If you wish to appeal a tuition refund decision, please review the tuition refunds appeals process.