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Using your compass card
Carry your SFU ID card
The U-Pass BC is valid only when you carry your SFU student ID card. Remember that when you tap in, you are validating your fare.
If you are caught without a valid fare (U-Pass BC on Compass Card and associated SFU Student ID card), your Compass Card may be confiscated and you may be fined $173 by TransLink.
Non transferable
Your monthly U-Pass BC is non-transferable and must be used only by you. If you are caught using another student's U-Pass BC, your Compass Card may be seized and you may be fined $173 or charged with fraud and arrested. Under the U-Pass BC Agreement, TransLink, SFU, the Simon Fraser Student Society and the Graduate Student Society each have the ability to restrict students from accessing U-Pass BC for any period of time as a result of fraudulent or inappropriate use of the U-Pass BC Program.
Replacing lost Compass card
You can purchase a replacement Compass Card for $6 (deposit) at the Compass Customer Walk-in Centre, West Coast Express Walk-in Centre, online at compasscard.ca, or by calling 604.398.2042. For other options, visit the TransLink website.