Curriculum: Engineering Physics

Core Courses and Typical Schedule

The following list provides a typical schedule, please consult official degree requirements in the university calendar for more details.

NOTE:  Students may NOT change their requirement term at any time, contrary to the University Calendar.

Year 1 (Standard schedule)

Term 1, Fall Term 2, Spring Term 3, Summer
Intro to Software Development for Engineers ENSC 180-3 Introduction to Engineering Analysis
CHEM 121-4 General Chemistry & Lab
MATH 152-3
Calculus II PHYS 121-3 Optics, Electricity, and Magnetism
ENSC 100(W)-3 Engineering, Science, and Society MATH 232-3
Applied Linear Algebra MATH 260 – 3 Introduction to Ordinary Differential Equations
ENSC 105W-3 Process, Form and
Convention in Professional Genres
PHYS 120-3
Mechanics and Modern Physics CMPL I First Complementary Studies Elective
ENSC 120-2 Introduction to Electronics Laboratory Instruments
MATH 151-3 Calculus I - or MATH 150        

Year 1 (Advanced schedule)

Term 1, Fall Term 2, Spring Term 3, Summer
Intro to Software Development for Engineers ENSC 180-3 Introduction to Engineering Analysis
MATH 152-3
Calculus II
ENSC 100W-3 Engineering, Science, and Society MATH 232-3
Applied Linear Algebra
ENSC 105W-3 Process, Form and
and Convention in Professional Genres
PHYS 121-3
Optics, Electricity, and Magnetism
ENSC 120-2 Introduction to Electronics Laboratory Instruments
CHEM 121-4 General Chemistry & Lab
MATH 151-3 Calculus I  CMPL I First Complementary Studies Elective
PHYS 120-3 Mechanics and Modern Physics

Year 2

Term 1, Fall Term 2, Spring Term 3, Summer
ENSC 204-1
Graphical Communication for Engineering
Co-op Term ENSC 225-4 Microelectronics
ENSC 220-4 Electric Circuits I
ENSC 254-4 Introduction to Computer Organization
ENSC 251-4 Software Design and Analysis for Engineers
ENSC 280-4 Engineering Measurement & Data Analysis
ENSC 252-4 Fundamentals in Digital Logic and Design
ENSC 320-4 Electric Circuits II
MATH 251-3 Calculus III MATH 254-3
Vector & Complex Analysis
MATH 260 – 3 Introduction to Ordinary Differential Equations (if not taken in summer of first year)  

Year 3

Term 1, Fall Term 2, Spring Term 3, Summer
ENSC 324-3 Electronic Devices PHYS 321-3 Intermediate Electricity and Magnetism  
PHYS 344-3 Thermal Physics
ENSC 325-4
Microelectronics II Co-op Term

ENSC 351-4 Embedded and Real Time System Software ENSC 383-4 Feedback Control Systems
ENSC 380-3 Linear Systems ESD Elective I-4 First Engineering Science and Design Elective
PHYS384-3 Methods of Theoretical Physics I  PHYS 211-3 Intermediate Mechanics

Year 4

Term 1, Fall Term 2, Spring Term 3, Summer

Co-op Term

  ECON 103-4 Principles of Microeconomics CMPL II Second Complementary Studies Elective
  ENSC 405W-3 Project Documentation, User Interface Design, and Group Dynamics ENSC 406-2 Engineering Ethics, Law, and Professional Practice
  ENSC 410-3  The Business of Engineering ENSC 440-3 Capstone Engineering Science Project
  ENSC 495-4 Introduction to Microelectronic Fabrication ENSC 470-4 Optical and Laser Engineering Applications
  PHYS-I First Physics Elective ENSC 498-1 Engineering Science Thesis Proposal
  PHYS-II Second Physics Elective ESD Elective II-4 Second Engineering Science and Design Elective
PHYS 233-3  Physics Laboratory III        

Year 5

Term 1, Fall Term 2, Spring Term 3, Summer
PHYS 385-3 Quantum II    
ENSC 499-9 Engineering Science Undergraduate Thesis
PHYS 421-3 Electromagnetic Waves
PHYS-III Third Physics Elective


Link to list of Approved Complementary Electives

Engineering Science and Design Electives

Students in the Engineering Physics Option must complete a minimum of 8 units from the approved engineering science & design elective list below, in addition to their required physics electives. Students may take no more than one 300 level course to fulfill the ESD elective requirement for Engineering Physics. Students must have the required pre-requisites in order to take these courses.

  • ENSC 327-4 Communication Systems
  • ENSC 350-4 Digital Systems Design
  • ENSC 413-4 Deep Learning Systems in Engineering
  • ENSC 424-4 Multimedia Communications Engineering
  • ENSC 425-4 Electronic System Design
  • ENSC 426-4 High Frequency Electronics
  • ENSC 427-4 Communication Networks
  • ENSC 428-4 Digital Communications
  • ENSC 450-4 VLSI Systems Design
  • ENSC 452-4 Advanced Digital System Design
  • ENSC 474-4 Digital/Medical Image Processing
  • ENSC 476-4 Biophotonics and Microscopy Techniques
  • ENSC 481-4 Design for Reliability

Unacceptable ESD electives for engineering physics students:

  • ENSC 477-4 Biomedical Image Acquisition

Physics Electives

In addition to the required physics courses and engineering science and design electives, students must also complete 3 physics electives from the list below, at least one of which must be a 400-level physics course.

  • PHYS 347-3 Introduction to Biological Physics
  • PHYS 390-3 Introduction to Astrophysics
  • PHYS 395-3 Computational Physics 
  • PHYS 413-3 Advanced Mechanics
  • PHYS 415-3 Quantum III
  • PHYS 445-3 Statistical Physics 
  • PHYS 465-3 Solid State Physics 
  • PHYS 485-3 Particle Physics 
  • PHYS 490-3 General Relativity and Gravitation