Teaching Faculty refers to Laboratory Instructors, Lecturers, Senior Lecturers, and University Lecturers collectively. Lecture Faculty refers to Lecturers, Senior Lecturers, and University Lecturers collectively.
Teaching Faculty appointments are concluded by the Vice-President, Academic.
Continuing Appointments
35.22 Teaching Faculty appointments will be made consistent with Article 23: Continuing Academic Appointments.
35.23 Appointment to a probationary or continuing Teaching Faculty position requires the authorization of a position by the Vice President, Academic.
35.24 Normally initial appointments will only be made at the Laboratory Instructor or Lecturer level.
35.25 Initial Teaching Faculty appointments will commence with a probationary appointment of up to 24 months.
35.26 Continuing Teaching Faculty appointments will be an appointment without term subject to Articles 35.59-35.64, Elimination of Position.
35.27 All Teaching Faculty appointments regardless of category may be full- or part-time.
Laboratory Instructor
35.3 A Laboratory Instructor will assist other faculty in providing laboratory instruction and in developing the curriculum of laboratory courses.
35.11 A Lecturer should show:
- 35.11.1 evidence of ability and commitment to teaching;
- 35.11.2 evidence of promise of educational leadership;
- 35.11.3 involvement in service to the academic profession, to the University, or to the community as appropriate.
Senior Lecturer
35.13 Appointment at or promotion to Senior Lecturer will require demonstration of:
- 35.13.1 excellence in teaching;
- 35.13.2 examples of educational leadership;
- 35.13.3 involvement in curriculum development and innovation and other teaching and learning initiatives;
- 35.13.4 continuing pedagogical/professional development;
- 35.13.5 an appropriate level of involvement in service to the academic profession, to the University, or to the community.
University Lecturer
35.15 Appointment at or promotion to University Lecturer will require demonstration of:
- 35.15.1 sustained record of excellence in teaching;
- 35.15.2 distinction in the field of teaching and learning including demonstrated innovation resulting in a positive impact on student learning;
- 35.15.3 sustained record of excellence in educational leadership;
- 35.15.4 sustained and innovative contributions to curriculum development, course design, and other initiatives that advance the University’s ability to excel in its teaching and learning mandate;
- 35.15.5 an appropriate level of involvement in service to the academic profession, to the University, or to the community.
Checklist for Teaching-Research Faculty Appointments Aug 18/22
**NEW Salary calculator - all years Jan 9/25
Non-advertised Positions - Request for Approval Form May 2/18
Recommendation for Appointment Form Jun 27/22
Collective Agreement Articles:
Article 23: Continuing Academic Appointments
Article 28: University Criteria for Appointments, Tenure and Promotion
Article 35: Teaching Faculty
Contact the Faculty Relations Advisor handling inquiries for your Faculty.