Physics - Life in the Department

Contact Information

Department members should ensure their contact information is up to date with the university and the department. To make changes:

  1. Login to myINFO
  2. Notify the Physics Administrative Assistant:
    • 778-782-4465

Department Photos

New department members and members without a departmental photo should attend a scheduled photo shoot. Photos are free for members and will be used on the department website and photo board. Photo shoots are typically scheduled in the fall, but other sessions may be added in the Spring and/or Summer as needed.

Kitchen and Lounge

The Physics kitchen (adjacent to the Physics General Office) contains a refrigerator, espresso machine, and microwave for department member use. Please label any food you put in the fridge.

There is a nominal fee for coffee and tea. You can keep a running tab on a card to be paid later, or pay per use in the cup next to the espresso machine. Before using the espresso machine for the first time, please see David Broun for a tutorial.

The Physics Lounge, located behind the kitchen, is a place for department members to meet, eat, and socialize, as well as a repository of books, periodicals, and theses.

Social Events

Physics social events are open to all department members.

Event When and Where Notes
Coffee Time 3:30pm every Friday in Spring and Fall terms; 1:30pm every Friday in Summer term.  Hallway outside Physics Office. Coffee and treats provided by the department
Poster Sessions March or April (grad students) and August (undergrad summer students) Food provided by department
Summer BBQ and Softball Game July or August

BBQ courses provided by the department, sides contributed by department members, alcohol contributed by faculty members

Softball game is (Grad students and USRA students VS Faculty and Staff)

Welcome-back BBQ and Slideshow September

Introduces new department members including grad students

Slide show comprises two-minute presentations by faculty members introducing their research programs to new members

BBQ courses provided by the department, alcohol contributed by faculty members

Christmas Party Late November or early December

Family members welcome

Usually includes an activity (eg. curling or bowling) followed by a buffet dinner