Research Groups

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Areas of Interest

Bechhoefer Group John Bechhoefer Biophysics and soft condensed matter
Broun Lab
David Broun Superconductivity and nano structures
Cosmology Andrei Frolov, Levon Pogosian, Gopolang Mohlabeng Cosmic microwave background, early universe, dark energy, black holes, testing gravity
Dodge Group
Steve Dodge Quantum matter and nonlinear optics
Emberly Research Group Eldon Emberly Computational biology
Emerging Materials Lab
Eundeok Mun Design and synthesis of novel materials, magnetism, supoerconductivity, quantum criticality
Forde Lab Nancy Forde Molecular biophysics
Haljan Group Paul Haljan Trapped ion quantum computing
Herbut Research Group Igor Herbut Quantum condensed matter theory
High Energy Physics
Matthias Danninger, Dugan O'Neil, Bernd Stelzer, Michel Vetterli, Gopolang Mohlabeng, Darren Grant Particle physics experiment
Jennewein Group Thomas Jennewein Global Quantum Internet Systems
Kavanagh Lab Karen Kavanagh Nanoscience and interfaces
Kennett Research Group Malcolm Kennett Quantum condensed matter theory
McGuirk Group Jeff McGuirk Atomic physics, and Bose-Einstein condensates
MOCVD Research Lab
Simon Watkins Semiconductor growth
PNMD Lab Erol Girt Thin film magnetism
RIS Group Jens Lassen Laser resonance ionization spectroscopy
Silicon Quantum Technology
Stephanie Simmons, Michael Thewalt, Daniel Higginbottom Hybrid spin/photon quantum devices
Sivak Group David Sivak Theoretical/computational biophysics
Sonier Research Group Jeff Sonier Superconductivity and quantum materials
Theoretical Quantum Information Science Kero Lau Theoretical quantum optics/information