Research Areas

Below you will find descriptions of the research activities at Simon Fraser University.  For each area shown, there is a description of that area and links to the associated groups and faculty members. Please browse the web pages. You will find opportunities in every research field in our department. Feel free to contact any faculty member if you want information about the group, its activities, focus, and recent successes. If you would like departmental information, contact the Graduate Program Assistant.


Biophysics / Soft Matter

We have a strong, broad program in biological and soft matter physics, one of the first to be offered in Canada, with a mix of researchers at various stages of their careers. We host weekly seminars, ranging from local speakers from various departments to international experts to journal club talks. Our graduate students co-organize a popular annual regional workshop (Frontiers of Biophysics) jointly with UBC. All of this activity helps create an unusually interactive group of researchers. Areas of particular expertise include molecular motors, single-molecule biophysics, nonequilibrium and information thermodynamics, systems biology, ion-conducting polymers, lipid and related systems, and development of new biophysics techniques. There are strong overlaps with statistical physics and materials physics, and many links to neighbouring departments (Chemistry, MBB, Biological Sciences, and Math).

Associated Groups & Faculty

Research Group Faculty Areas of Interest
Bechhoefer Group
John Bechhoefer
Statistical physics and biophysics
Emberly Research Group
Eldon Emberly Computational biology
Forde Lab Nancy Forde Molecular biophysics
Sivak Group
David Sivak
Theoretical/computational biophysics

Associate and Adjunct Faculty

Organisation Faculty Areas of Interest
SFU Biomedical Physiology + Kinesiology  Dave Clark

Quantitative Exercise Biology

AFU Chemistry  Loren Kaake Physical Chemistry of Materials
SFU Chemistry Mohammadreza Karamad 

Electrochemistry, Heterogenous Catalysis, and Material Science

SFU Biology Eirikur Palsson mathematical models in molecular and cellular systems
SFU Chemistry Samira Siahrostami

Computational Catalysis, Physical and Theoretical Chemistry

SFU Molecular Biology & Biochemistry Peter Unrau

RNA Chemistry and Evolution


Condensed Matter Physics

This interdisciplinary field touches on many aspects of physics and has strong overlap with chemistry and engineering science. Physicists have always been at the forefront of the study of new materials and this has led both to a fundamental understanding of their properties as well as revolutionary applications. Examples of materials studied at SFU include novel superconductors, graphene, semiconductor and magnetic nanostructures, topological quantum materials, as well as soft materials (see Soft Matter Physics area). Materials research in the physics department includes studies in fundamental theory, as well as strong efforts in the growth of new materials in addition to the development of novel methods for device fabrication and analysis of electrical, structural and optical properties. Materials researchers make heavy use of interdisciplinary facilities including TRIUMF and the SFU 4D LABS, as well as a wide range of specialized tools.

Associated Groups & Faculty

Research Group Faculty Areas of Interest
Broun Lab
David Broun
Electrodynamics and phenomenology of unconventional superconductors and metals
Dodge Group
J. Steven Dodge Quantum matter and nonlinear optics
Emerging Materials Lab Eundeok Mun Design and synthesis of novel materials, magnetism, superconductivity, quantum criticality
Herbut Research Group Igor Herbut Quantum condensed matter theory
Kavanagh Lab Karen Kavanagh Nanoscience and interfaces
Kennett Research Group
Malcolm Kennett
Quantum condensed matter theory
MOCVD Research Laboratory Simon Watkins Semiconductor growth
Sillicon Quantum Technology Stephanie Simmons, Michael Thewalt, Daniel Higginbottom Hybrid spin/photon quantum devices
Sonier Research Group Jeff Sonier Superconductivity and quantum materials
Surface Science Laboratory Erol Girt, Brett Heinrich Thin film magnetism

Associate and Adjunct Faculty

Organisation Faculty Areas of Interest
TRIUMF Sarah Dunsiger magnetic fluctuations, magnetisation dynamics
SFU Chemistry Loren Kaake Physical Chemistry of Materials
SFU Chemistry Mohammadreza Karamad Electrochemistry, Heterogenous catalysis, and material science
SFU Engineering Science Shawn Sederberg unique laser sources, coherent control, attosecond metrology
SFU Chemistry Samira Siahrostami computational catalysis, physical and theoretical chemistry
SFU Engineering Science Bernhard Rabus Synthetic Aperture Radar

Particle Physics / Cosmology

The SFU experimental High Energy Physics group plays a leading role in the CERN-based ATLAS collaboration which discovered the long-sought Higgs boson in 2012 — the most significant discovery in particle physics in almost 40 years. We continue to study and learn more about the properties of the Higgs boson, search for signs of new Physics using so-called Long-Lived Particles, and make instrumental contributions in preparing the detector for these results (e.g. energy calibration, particle track and vertex reconstruction algorithms). The SFU group has also led major computing projects, in particular the ATLAS-Canada Tier-1 Data Centre, helping to develop the international computing grid to analyze the huge amount of data produced by ATLAS. The SFU gorup is also a major player in Canada for building components for the ATLAS New Inner Tracking Detector (ITk) - with production sites at SFU and TRIUMF - to maintain and enhance the discovery potential of the experiment during the scheduled High-Luminosity LHC. We also have an active experimental high-energy neutrino program related to the Pacific Ocean Neutrino Experiment, a new initiative to construct one of the world’s largest neutrino detectors in the deep Pacific Ocean off the coast of British Columbia.

Theoretical cosmology and astroparticle research at SFU concerns a broad range of topics including black holes, inflation, dark energy, modified gravity, topological defects, primordial magnetic fields, dark matter candidates and neutrinos, with the focus on phenomenology and developing methods and numerical tools for testing new theoretical ideas against data from astronomical surveys, gravitational wave observatories and particle detectors. SFU faculty are members of international collaborations working on cosmic microwave background experiments, namely, the Planck satellite team, the Simons Observatory and CMB-S4. Theoretical and numerical tools for cosmological tests of gravity developed at SFU are used by large-scale galaxy surveys collaborations, such as the Sloan Digital Sky Survey, Dark Energy Survey, Dark Energy Spectroscopic Instrument and others.

Associated Groups & Faculty

Research Group Faculty Areas of Interest
Andrei Frolov Cosmic microwave background foregrounds, black holes, early universe
Cosmology Levon Pogosian Dark energy, modified gravity, primordial magnetic fields, cosmic strings and other topological defects
Cosmology & High Energy Physics
Gopolang Mohlabeng
Particle physics phenomenology, dark matter, neutrinos, particle cosmology
High Energy Physics
Matthias Danninger Particle physics experiment, ATLAS, P-ONE
High Energy Physics Dugan O'Neil Particle physics experiment
High Energy Physics Bernd Stelzer Particle physics experiment, ATLAS
High Energy Physics Michel Vetterli Particle physics experiment, ATLAS
High Energy Physics Darren Grant Astroparticle Physics

Associate and Adjunct Faculty

Organisation Faculty Areas of Interest
SFU Chemistry Corina Andreoiu experimental gamma-ray spectroscopy
TRIUMF Barry Davids Nuclear structure, experiments with rare isotope beams, nuclear astrophysics, EMMA, doppler Shift Lifetimes Facility
TRIUMF Pietro Giampa  
UWinnipeg Gabor Kunstatter Gravitation theory, black holes, quantum gravity
TRIUMF Ruediger Picker  
TRIUMF Luise Poley subatomic particle physics, detector technologies, silicon strip and pixen R&D, beam tests
TRIUMF Fabrice Retiere single photon detector, liquid Xenon and liquid Argon detectors, light based sensor, neutrino physics, direct dark matter search
IDEON Technologies Douglas Schouten Experimental high energy particle physics, muon scattering radiography & tomography, underground muon attenuation tomography, geophysics, geophysical inversion
SFU Chemistry Kryzsztof Starosta structure of nuclei far from stability, nuclear shapes and shape coexistence, nuclear symmetries, nuclear fission, nucleosynthesis and distribution of elements, instrumentation for nuclear science experiments

Quantum Information/Atomic, Molecular, Optical Physics

QI/AMO is a subfield of Physics that involves the study of atoms, molecules, electrons, and light, and their various interactions. Historically it encompassed the experiments and ideas that underpin quantum mechanics, and led to the development of the laser and the standardization of time. Today it pushes the limits of knowledge on many fronts including the study of atoms at ultra-low temperatures, many-body effects, quantum degeneracy, and precision measurements of fundamental interactions. The superior controllability of AMO systems also makes them the forefront platforms to realize quantum information processors, which represent and manipulate information as quantum states. Quantum information and related technologies can offer dramatic performance improvement over current devices based on classical physics in countless applications including computing, sensing, and communications. This is expected to spark the next technological revolution.

SFU Physics has research programs and research opportunities in both AMO and Quantum Information, with programs ranging from studying fundamental physics of interacting atoms to developing silicon technologies and algorithms for quantum information processing. Paul Haljan’s research focuses on quantum state manipulation of trapped ions and technology development for trapped ion quantum computing.  Jeff McGuirk’s research is more generally concerned with the study of quantum degeneracy and quantum dynamics in systems of ultra-cold trapped atoms. Stephanie Simmons is building quantum technologies using silicon, a material that arguably hosts the best quantum bits (‘qubits’) in the industry. Kero Lau theoretically studies the properties of engineered quantum systems (e.g. trapped ions, photonics, optomechanics) and explores their applications in quantum information processing. Complementary research programs can be found in the group led by Malcolm Kennett (many-body physics with ultra-cold atoms). Adjunct AMO faculty include Jens Lassen (TRIUMF; laser ion source spectroscopy) and  Mohammad Amin (DWave; quantum computation)

Associated Groups & Faculty

Research Group Faculty Areas of Interest
Haljan Group
Paul Haljan
Trapped ion quantum computing
Jennewein Group Thomas Jennewein Global Quantum Internet Systems
Kennett Research Group Malcolm Kennett Quantum condensed matter theory
McGuirk Group Jeff McGuirk Atomic physics, and Bose-Einstein condensates
RIS Group Jens Lassen Resonant ionization spectroscopy group
Silicon Quantum Technology
Stephanie Simmons, Mike Thewalt, Daniel Higginbottom Hybrid spin/photon quantum devices
Theoretical Quantum Information Science
Kero Lau Theoretical quantum optics/information

Associate and Adjunct Faculty

Organisation Faculty Areas of Interest
D-Wave Systems Mohammad Amin Quantum computation, Theory of open quantum systems, decoherence, quantum phase transitions, superconducting quantum electronics, josephson physics, foundations of quantum mechanics
TRIUMF Jens Lassen Laser Resonance Ionization Spectroscopy (RIS), Resonant Ionization Laser Ion Sources (RILIS), Physics of Rare Isotopes, Laser Development, and Lasers in Environmental, AMO and Nuclear Physics