

  • Calderon, Yeats, and Garfinkel lead PTC | TRACES (after Sophie Calle) | Global Climate Strike | Gruben's Documentary Creation Workshop | Precarious Joys | Small File Media Festival 2024 | Filmable's Filmmaker Spotlight | Vancouver Guardian on Loo | Mackenzie, Huynh, and Avelino in Catalyst | Ensemble Télémaque play O'Callaghan | Fukumura and Zarkalam in vActory Series | Crazybull's in between endings | DCMF Songwriter in Residence | Legalize Summer | Dry Happy Hour | Sound in Nanaimo | Radif of Iranian Music: Noor-e Tāreek | All Yesterday’s Parties | PROPULSION | Joey Chaos and the Ghosts | What on EARTH | Sarbaz | Would Lubitsch Do It? S5E08 | Speakable | 25,000 x 1000xRESIST | Empty-Handed | Flowing Verse: Dance, Breath + Poetry | Here For Now vol. 4

  • A text by SCA student Caroline Chernega about CA 269/369: Methods and Concepts, lead by the SCA's Kathy Slade and Ming Wong.