Fall 2024 Project Showcase

Explore some of the projects created by SIAT students throughout the Fall 2024 semester.

Immersive environments and virtual reality

Courses: IAT 445 Immersive Environments

Sewer Saviour 

Virtual Reality

By: Sylvia Siqi Zhang, Sapol Pittayakornpisuth, Wilson Pham, Danny Huang, Robin de Zwart
Course: IAT 445 Immersive Environments



Virtual reality

By: Vera Ni, Jeffrey Wu, Jessy Huang, Jolly Liu
Course: IAT 445 Immersive Envrionments


Virtual reality game

By: Yuncheng Chen, Chuqiao Zhong, Zhengyao Zhu, Siyu Chen
Course: IAT 445 Immersive Environments

Design solutions and evaluations

Courses: IAT 438 User Experience Design, IAT 333 Interaction Design Methods

A Design Film Festival Microsite


By: Sylvia Siqi Zhang, Natalie Van Grol, Lauren Mok, Neva Hoang
Course: IAT 438 User Experience Design

FreshPrep Senior 

Design Solution

By: Sylvia Siqi Zhang, Natalie Van Grol, Lauren Mok, Neva Hoang, Van Mai
Course: IAT 438 User ExperienceDesign


Celestial Body Health 

Design Evaluation

By: Kelvin Kwan, Zobia Khalid, Tommy Lin, Karishma Sen, Alyssa Pacamarra, Kenny Zhang
Course: IAT 333 Interaction Design Methods

Digital and board games

Courses: IAT 410 Advanced Game Design, IAT 313 Narrative and New Media, IAT 312 Foundations of Game Design, IAT 167 Digital Games: Genre, Structure, Programming and Play

Bandit express


By: Alicia LeClercq, Jalene Pang
Course: IAT 410 Advanced Game Design



By: Yuanshan Liu, Benjamin Yang, Jeffrey Wu, Yumin Ni
Course: IAT 410 Advanced Game Design

401 Access Denied 


By: Keyaan Vegdani, Zoe Mann, Jayden Zhang, Sandra Cao
Course: IAT 313 Narrative and New Media



By: Jianting Liang, Yuan Xiao, Jiawei Shi, Katrina Lai
Course: IAT 313 Narrative and New Media

Meddlesome Company 


By: Jillian Li, Michelle Lin, Angela Shen, Keith Law
Course: IAT 313 Narrative and New Media

The Eternal Dusk 


By: Areeba Ali, Lauryn Yau, Yu Eun (Christine) An, Maia Badyal
Course: IAT 313 Narrative and New Media

The Eternal Dusk 


By: Muskan Kalra, Christian Santos, Sanya Kalra, Jacob Tang
Course: IAT 313 Narrative and New Media

Unseen Treasure 


By: Rachael Quak, Katy Ngo, Daniel Castro, Vera Ni
Course: IAT 313 Narrative and New Media

Cost of Con-nection 

Card Game

By: Kayla Chen, Francesca Reyes, Wenyi Ding (Miko), Muhammad Junaid, Alex Luowan, Kayla Chen
Course: IAT 312 Foundations of Game Design

Paycheck to paycheck 


By: Gordon Yen, Benjamin Nichiporik, Kentaro Weil, Duncan Templeton, Tim Chen, Lin Shen
Course: IAT 312 Foundations of Game Design



By: Daniel Castro Fonseca, Carlos Montoya Aviles, Atticus Doyle, Charlotte Rempel
Course: IAT 312 Foundations of Game Design



By: Natalie Kayda, Abhishek Mishra, Eason Zhang, Ray Wang, Joel Xiao
Course: IAT 312 Foundations of Game Design

The Lost 


By: Natalie Kayda, Abhishek Mishra, Yuge Wang, Yongcheng Zhang, Yuan Xiao
Course: IAT 312 Foundations of Game Design

Mr. Rosen's Watering Tactics 


By: Aedrian Salazar
Course: IAT 167 Digital Games: Genre, Structure, Programming and Play

AI Prototypes

Courses: IAT 360 Exploring Artificial Intelligence: Its Use, Concepts, and Impact

Pest Detector 

Computer vision model

By: Sylvia Siqi Zhang, Sa young Shin
Course: IAT 360 Exploring Artificial Intelligence: Its Use, Concepts, and Impact


Prototype AI model

By: Md Kashfi Or Rashid Pranta, Hasrat Buttar
Course: IAT 360 Exploring Artificial Intelligence: Its Use, Concepts, and Impact


Mobile Apps

Course: IAT 359 Mobile Computing


Mobile App

By: Howard Chang, Dennis Deng
Course: IAT 359 Mobile Computing


Mobile App

By: Kate Luong, Frentzen Taslim
Course: IAT 359 Mobile Computing

Exploria: The Travel Planner 

Mobile App

By: Stephy Wong, Ariel Tsang
Course: IAT 359 Mobile Computing

Interface Design

Courses: IAT 334 Interface Design

BC Healthcare Hub 

Mobile App Interface

By: Max Nielsen, Irina Ng, Elizabeth Liao
Course: IAT 334 Interface Design

List It 

Mobile app interface

By: Brandon Wan, Kaleb Vinthers, Jennifer Ma
Course: IAT 334 Interface Design



Mobile app interface

By: Rawitphoom Kiatthitinan, Melika Rezazadeh, Sadra Almasi
Course: IAT 334 Interface Design


Courses: IAT 343 Animation

A Flicker of Friendship 


By: By: Abhishek Mishra, Jenise Cheung, Leanne Ngong, Angela Lee
Course: IAT 343 Animation

Disco Dreams 


By: Sabrina Fong, HaYoung Jeon, Jenna Shin, Veeraj Mishra, Ran Jin
Course: IAT 343 Animation

The Magical Mishaps of Thelonious the Mushroom 


By: Zynab Fayyad, Emma Ramsay, Karina Shuen, Arriyan Ali, Daphne Borrel
Course: IAT 343 Animation

Tiny Planets, Big Dreams 


By: Lynne Yang, Aden Trathen, Chris Moon, Christina Lee, Allison Lee
Course: IAT 343 Animation



By: Annie Vo, Mansimar Wadhera, Kirill Tsoy, Katty Hu, Anna Liang
Course: IAT 343 Animation


Soul Wave Product Website


By: Ariel Tsang, Stephy Wong
Course: IAT 339 Web Design and Development

Interactive Systems

Course: IAT 267 Interactive Systems

A Partea! 

Interactive system

By: Lucia Vo, Lynn Cao, Ren Nguyen, Selena Chang
Course: IAT 267 Introduction to Technological Systems

Parametric Design

Courses: IAT 233 Spatial Design

Panel Architecture- Sculpture Pavilion

By: Jennifer Ma
Course: IAT 233 Spatial Design

Robin Egg Pavilion

By: Aedrian Salazar, Rishon Canete
Course: IAT 233 Spatial Design

Orca Model

By: Tae Kim, Honbete Lee, Daniel Lee
Course: IAT 233 Spatial Design

Woven Pavilion

By: Mary Gigiberia, Khushy Brar
Course: IAT 233 Spatial Design

Interactive Art

Course: IAT 222 Interactive Arts

Vulnerable Cable

By: Steven Chan, Yuting Li, Evelyn Yu, Vincent Sam, Son Nguyen, Grace Jin
Course: IAT 222 Interactive Arts

Short Films

Course: IAT 313 Narrative and New Media, IAT 202 New Media Images

Echoes of the Past 

Short film

By: Tianyu Wu, Yujia Wan, Yiting Wang
Course: IAT 313 Narrative and New Media

A Slip of Fate 

Short film

By: Stephanie Lu, Rishon Canete, Eric Ren, Dinyi Lee, Katy Ngo
Course: IAT 202 New Media Images

Beginner's Luck 

Short film

By: Iris Au-Yeung, Honbete Lee, Sukhman Sran, Tristan Joung, Kobe Duyvestyn
Course: IAT 202 New Media Images

Eyes Forward 

Short film

By: Honbete Jaewon Lee
Course: IAT 202 New Media Images


Short film

By: Anthony Yiu, Laily Ingleson, Manmeet Sagri, Neeshat tasnim Eshika, Vithun Geetha Vinu, Thi ha giang Nguyen
Course: IAT 202 New Media Images

Murphy's Law 

Short film

By: Kin Yi Law, Elizabeth Facundo, Emma McQueen, Keith Kin Yi Law, Liam Curry, Zoey Lee
Course: IAT 202 New Media Images

Plant Rage 

Short film

By: Eric Ren
Course: IAT 202 New Media Images

The "Perfect" Film 

Short film

By: Yuge Wang, Yuan Xiao, Yongcheng Zhang, Ethan Lum
Course: IAT 202 New Media Images

Graphic Novels

Courses: IAT 100 Digital Image Design


Graphic novel

By: Olivia Chloe Boenardy
Course: IAT 100 Digital Image Design

Last Surprise 

Graphic novel

By: Briana Lee-Ho
Course: IAT 100 Digital Image Design

Love Me 

Graphic novel

By: Chantal Woo
Course: IAT 100 Digital Image Design

Mr. Trustworthy Turnabout 

Graphic novel

By: Philip Hyun-Jin Jeon
Course: IAT 100 Digital Image Design

The Metamorphosis 

Graphic novel

By: Inarah Usmani
Course: IAT 100 Digital Image Design

Kinetic Typography

Courses: IAT 100 Digital Image Design

Everything Black 

Kinetic typography

By: Chantal Woo
Course: IAT 100 Digital Image Design


Kinetic typography

By: Thi Minh Thu Nguyen
Course: IAT 100 Digital Image Design

Now or Never 

Kinetic typography

By: Zainab Shakeel
Course: IAT 100 Digital Image Design

Out of Time 

Kinetic typography

By: Enson Yan
Course: IAT 100 Digital Image Design

Road Less Taken 

Kinetic typography

By: Philip Hyun-Jin Jeon
Course: IAT 100 Digital Image Design

Film stills and digital image design

Course: IAT 100 Digital Image Design


Film still

By: Luc Bassaler-Merpillat
Course: IAT 100 Digital Image Design

The First Book

By: Inarah Usmani
Course: IAT 100 Digital Image Design