ACPI's Great Tour

Don't miss the Great tour!

The Office of Francophone and Francophile Affairs is pleased to collaborate with ACPI as part of their Great tour. This west-to-east tour of Canada is a flagship event in ACPI's French immersion teacher recruitment strategy known as the Teacher 5 étoiles campaign. Aboard the colorful campaign camper van, affectionately known as Margo, the dynamic Teacher 5 étoiles has planned a round of activities aimed at students in some 30 high schools offering French immersion programs across the country and at education students on a dozen Canadian university campuses.

September 15, 2021

Report from Radio-Canada Colombie-Britannique: C'est aujourd'hui le lancement de la Grande Virée organisée par l'ACPI

September 15, 2021

Report from Radio-Canada Colombie-Britannique : La fête de la rentrée sur le campus de SFU

Margo the Caravan on the SFU campus!

Would you like to learn more about the trades in French immersion? Don't miss Margo's visit to the campus!

Vox-pop - September 14, 12.30 p.m. - 2.00 p.m.

The Teacher 5 étoiles’ caravan will be visiting Simon Fraser University to conduct an awareness activity for students who have not yet considered careers in French immersion. Meet Margo at the Town & Gown Square near the bus loop to participate in a fun vox-pop while enjoying a good cup of coffee. A contest to win a scholarship to a qualifying immersion education program is planned.

Job Dating - September 15, 3.00 p.m. - 5.00 p.m. 

The Teacher 5 étoiles caravan will be on campus to conduct a professional job dating event with graduates of French Immersion teaching career programs. School boards that are members of will participate in virtual pre-interviews with students who are at the end of their academic career in a program that qualifies them for French immersion. An outdoor interview lounge attached to the caravan and including all the necessary equipment will be available to allow this activity to take place in a confidential and friendly atmosphere.


The Canadian Association of Immersion Professionals (ACPI) is a professional organization with a mission to participate in the promotion and development of a bilingual Canada by bringing together immersion educators and partners from all regions of the country.

The cornerstone of French immersion in Canada, ACPI orients and enriches immersion pedagogy in Canada. By offering professional development, research and networking services, it provides educators with strong support and numerous professional learning opportunities, as well as a pedagogical dialogue in French.


Teacher 5 étoiles is an original project conceived by the Canadian Association of Immersion Professionals (ACPI) following its pan-Canadian consultation whose results, published in 2018, identified a critical shortage of qualified French immersion teachers across Canada, caused in part by the strong growth in the number of students enrolled in French immersion programs. This innovative project, which provides concrete solutions to the challenges associated with recruiting and retaining French immersion teachers, is financially supported by Canadian Heritage through the Government of Canada's Action Plan for Official Languages 2018-2023.

For more information, please contact:

Laurence Gagnon
Coordinator - Admin & Events
Office of Francophone and Francophile Affairs