OFFA Events

Mark your calendar

This year marks the 20th Anniversary of the Office of Francophone and Francophile Affairs (OFFA) at Simon Fraser University. Join us in celebrating OFFA’s two decades of promoting Francophone cultures, excellence in postsecondary education in French and community engagement within our institution. The kickoff event will coincide with our French Fête de la rentrée (Back-to-school French Fête), scheduled for September 17th.

Many more events will follow! Our team organized events in French, or in both of Canada’s official languages, to promote Francophone cultures here at SFU and within the community. To stay in the loop, make sure you subscribe to the OFFA Newsletter.

Upcoming Events

Back-to-school French Fête

Tuesday, September 17 from 12:00-1:30pm

The French Fête is the perfect occasion to meet with the SFU Franco community and discover all the resources and opportunities in French on campus during this back-to-school celebration. DJ, photo booth, poutine, live entertainment, games, and prizes to be won! Join us for this FREE, festive, and open to all event.

Registration opens on August 19th

Information sessions - Professional Development Program (PDP) - French module

Thinking of teaching French or teaching in French? Register for a Professional Development Program (PDP) - French Module information session to learn more about the program and the opportunity to become a Core French, French Immersion or Francophone teacher in British Columbia.

Register for the next information session

Université d'été sur la Francophonie des amériques

June 16-20, 2025

The Centre de la francophonie des Amériques will hold the 7th edition of the Université d'été sur la francophonie des Amériques at Simon Fraser University in Greater Vancouver, British Columbia.

For more information

Available online

Watch or re-watch this 60-minute interactive show that highlights post-secondary student life in French in a captivating way. 

Watch the show

La Classe des maîtres, presented by WebOuest and Unis TV in collaboration with OFFA, is a discussion focusing on the relationship between writer-producer-director. Four TV industry professionals answered questions from host Julie Carpentier, anchor and producer of Le Téléjournal Colombie-Britannique for the past 15 years.

Watch the master class

Past Events