Professional Development

New opportunities for non-credited professional development with the Office of Francophone and Francophile Affairs

OFFA with its Coordinator - Provincial network for administrators and teachers of French programs in British Columbia, are developing new non-credit professional development opportunities for teachers in Core French, Immersion and Francophone programs. Check this page regularly for upcoming activities.


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Workshop series presented by Dr. Caroline Erdos

About Dr. Caroline Erdos

Dr. Caroline Erdos (PhD) is the coordinator of Speech-Language Pathology at Sir Wilfrid Laurier School Board and S-LP advisor for Speech-Language and Audiology Canada. Previously, she was the Advancing Learning in Differentiation & Inclusion coordinator for the 10 English school boards in Quebec, where she supported resource teachers through various professional development initiatives. With over 20 years of experience as a pediatric S-LP in a university health centre, her areas of expertise include bi/multilingualism, reading and language disorder, learning disability, fetal alcohol spectrum disorder, and craniofacial differences in children aged 0 to 18 years. Caroline has lectured at several Canadian universities. She has also been invited to present at numerous conferences across North America and has written and collaborated on several publications.

Screening, Assessment, Diagnosis & Intervention in French Immersion

During this workshop, Dr. Caroline Erdos will discuss best practices of screening, assessment, diagnostic, and intervention that are aligned with research evidence, within the context of French Immersion.

Topics that will be addressed during this interactive workshop :

  • Recap of what research evidence says about diverse learners in the context of multilingualism
  • Multi-tiered systems of support (MTSS) and response to intervention (RtI)
  • Recognizing and addressing potential sources of difficulty in the classroom
  • Timely and evidence-based identification and response to student needs (Early screening that levels the playing field, Disentangling language or reading disorder from incomplete second/additional language acquisition, Best practices for intervention in bilingual contexts)
  • Advice for parents


Supporting Diverse Learner Profiles in French Immersion

During this workshop, Dr. Caroline Erdos will present evidence-based research to understand profiles of learning disability and other neurodevelopmental disorders and how best to support students with these profiles in French immersion.

Topics that will be addressed during the workshop :

  • Understanding Developmental Language Disorder, ADHD, Dyslexia, Dysorthographia, Dyscalculia, Developmental Coordination Disorder, and Syndromes
  • Simulation of hearing impairment, visual impairment, and lexical access issues
  • Review of classroom adaptations specifically aligned with diverse profiles of difficulty

Read the workshop documents

Bilingualism & Biliteracy: A Superpower Within Reach of All Learners

During this workshop, Dr. Caroline Erdos will present evidence-based research and recommend practical strategies that educators can use to support the French immersion program. She will share practices to best reach all French Immersion learners so that students remain in the program from kindergarten to grade 12 and graduate with a double dogwood diploma as a bi·plurilingual person.

The following questions will be answered:

  • French immersion more than 55 years later – what do we know?
  • What does research evidence tell us about bilingualism and biliteracy in the context of diverse education needs?
  • How can we best support bilingualism and biliteracy for all in educational contexts?

Read the workshop documents