
SFU student takes multidisciplinary environmental science to next level

July 07, 2023

SFU Environmental Science student Chloe Ross pushes boundaries to advance her career in science and art, winning several awards.

Inspired by the multidisciplinary nature of environmental science, fourth-year environmental science and philosophy undergraduate student Chloe Ross has embarked on a mission to analyze data and assist in processing video footage to conserve the Fraser River with the River Dynamics Laboratory at Simon Fraser University.

SFU’s River Dynamics Lab is a group of environmental scientists who monitor annual river and watershed responses to human impacts. The primary theme of the River Dynamics lab research is erosion and sedimentation processes, particularly in river channels.

Passionate about researching and studying processes that shape the Earth’s surface, Chloe also dedicates her time to mentoring and engaging other students at SFU. Through organizing the EnvironMentors program she helps incoming students to the Faculty of Environment feel part of a welcoming community as they transition to university. Chloe also developed and co-hosted the Branching into Environment podcast which explores the journeys of current SFU Faculty of Environment students.

 “My favourite classes growing up were art and science. Through visual art classes I learned how to more deeply appreciate the beauty of the natural world that I was so fascinated with studying and understanding in science,” said Chloe.

As an SFU Environmental Science and Philosophy student, Chloe has won the Aiden Serr Memorial Award and a Ron Macleod scholarship in Environmental Science for her contributions to both the arts and environmental science community.

 “I appreciate the arts community, and I've tried to bring that sense of teamwork and mutual support into the science community. I believe strong communities foster teamwork which is essential when tackling the multi-faced problems environmental science covers,” added Chloe.

While discussing her plans in academics, arts, and environmental research, Chloe reflected on her journey at SFU.

 “Through my experience in Co-op, I have had the opportunity to learn about office life, the importance of organization, communication, and that I have a passion for community engagement. In my classes I cherish the opportunities to learn hands-on skills. This evolved understanding of my interests has helped shape my career path,” commented Chloe.

 As Chloe’s undergraduate journey in SFU environmental science as an undergraduate student comes to a close, she expressed her love for being part of an interdisciplinary field.

 “I am excited to be in a field that has so much importance. I feel lucky to be working with such passionate and accomplished people and that there are so many options open to me. I have a deep appreciation for the outdoors and the intrinsic value of nature, and I am committed to working towards a better understanding of our environment and how to preserve it for future generations,” added Chloe.

Learn more about Chloe’s journey via her LinkedIn here: Chloe Ross | LinkedIn

You can also reach Chloe at
