Eligibility for Emeritus Status, Faculty, Librarians and Archivists, and University Lecturers

Upon retirement, if a member has served Simon Fraser at one of the following ranks for 10 years or more, they will become Emeritus at that rank: Professor, Librarian/Archivist 4 (or above), and University Lecturer. The title is held for life.  In cases where the employee meets the criteria at retirement, the Emeritus status is confirmed in the letter from the President. 

The President may confer the title on other retiring members acting on recommendations from: 

Rank Recommender
Professor Department Chair and Dean
Librarian/Archivist 4 University Librarian or University Archivist, and the Vice-President, Research (for Librarians)
University Lecturer Department Chair, Dean, Vice-President Academic

General Process

In cases where the employee meets the criteria at retirement (this status is conferred after retirement always), then the Professor Emeritus status is confirmed in the letter from the President confirming their retirement. 

Contact the Faculty Relations Advisor handling inquiries for your Faculty.