Live transcription (Beta)

Speech-to-text transcription

Live transcription is a beta feature that enables auto speech-to-text transcription. When enabled by hosts, participants can see captions during a meeting or webinar, and/or download the transcription afterwards.

Follow the instructions for host/participant below

For hosts 

Enable live transcription


Turn on live transcription in each meeting/webinar you prefer:

  1. Click the Live Transcript button at the bottom of your Zoom
  2. Select Enable Auto-Transcription 


Select Disable Auto-Transcription, to disable live transcription.

Save captions

Turn on Save Captions, to allow participants save and download the full transcript after a meeting/webinar

Activate the Save Captions features in your Zoom Settings:

  1. Open your Zoom client.
  2. Go to Settings > In Meeting (Advanced), and click the toggle to activate closed captioning and/or save captions as you wish.

Alternatives of Save Captions:

To prevent participants from transcription saving, de-select Save Captions in your personal setting. By using the Cloud Recording feature, you can still provide automatic audio transcription/closed caption after meetings.

For participants

Display live transcription

Find Live Transcript in the control bar at the bottom of your Zoom.

  • Option 1: Show Subtitle 
    Captions will appear at the bottom of the Zoom window
  • Option 2: View/Close Full Transcript 
    Audio will be transcribed in the right-hand corner of the Zoom window. Captions are time stamped and tagged with who was speaking.

Change captioning sizes

  • Click Subtitle Settings, and use the slider at the top of the Accessibility tab to adjust the font size of the subtitles

Save the full transcript

You can save full transcripts as a .txt file

  • At the bottom of the full transcription window, select Save Transcript.

Don't see this option? It needs to be enabled by the host for you to save the captions.