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- Decommissioning fraser.sfu.ca
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Decommissioning fraser.sfu.ca
On Tuesday, March 1st, 2021 IT Services was required to decommission SFU's legacy fraser.sfu.ca server in response to a serious technical issue with the service.
IT Services has prepared alternative recommendations for those using fraser.sfu.ca and aims to support those with who need assistance.
Secure Shell (SSH) Access to SFU Services
For faculty and staff
Faculty and staff must move to SFU's Virtual Private Network (VPN) for SSH access to SFU services.
SFU VPN is a way for faculty and staff to remotely connect to SFU's internal network using a secure (encrypted) and private connection. This service also provides access to SFU systems that are typically inaccessible while working remotely.
For non-faculty and staff
If you are not faculty or staff, please provide details on what services or hosts you are using to connect to through fraser.sfu.ca, and we will try to accommodate your needs.
Legacy Web Publishing
Static content
If you are using fraser.sfu.ca to host a static website, please use our new web host at rock.its.sfu.ca. This server offers similar functionality to Fraser for static website hosting.
Note that SFU's file server hosting static content will not change, and there is no need to migrate or transfer content. The only change required is to update your connection to use rock.its.sfu.ca in place of fraser.sfu.ca.
Dynamic content
If you are hosting dynamic content on fraser.sfu.ca using Perl, Python, PHP, etc., please contact us for consultation regarding a new host for your content at SFU.
Note that IT Services is only able to provide a new host for content. Content creators are responsible for any required code changes or development updates.
Command-Line Access to SFU Email
Access to command-line email will be retiring with the sunsetting of fraser.sfu.ca. If you use a command-line email client, we advise you to move to a modern email client such as Microsoft Outlook or Mozilla Thunderbird, or connect with SFU Mail online.
I use SFU's personal webspace, will my website URL (http://www.sfu.ca/~YOURSFUID) change?
No. Your website URL will remain the same after fraser.sfu.ca is decommissioned.
I currently use SFTP to transfer my files to/from SFU using fraser.sfu.ca. What should I use now?
If you are using SFTP to transfer your files using fraser.sfu.ca please change any connection references from fraser.sfu.ca to rock.its.sfu.ca and it should work.