
Indian Summer Festival goes virtual for tenth anniversary

May 28, 2020

Not even a global pandemic could stop the Indian Summer Festival from celebrating its tenth anniversary this year. The festival features a dynamic, extended program of virtual events each Saturday from May 16 until July 18 (which are then posted on its website for review).

Simon Fraser University is proud to be the festival’s founding partner, and to once again share in this celebration of art, culture and ideas. True to our mission as Canada’s most community-engaged research university, SFU will take part in the virtual programming which will provide opportunities for conversation, connection and inspiration during this challenging time.

For the past decade, the festival has explored what it means to be a global community, fostered cross-cultural dialogue, and leveraged the transformative power of the arts to spark ideas, uplift and enlighten. This global discussion is more important than ever as we work together to build a more inclusive society and more promising future now and after the pandemic.

Congratulations to the organizers of the Indian Summer Festival on reaching this milestone anniversary. And thank you to all who have supported the festival over the years. I look forward to engaging with you at the festival and beyond.

Please check out my welcome video for the Festival below.