Sports code of conduct

Members violating University Policies or the Rec Sports Code of Conduct may have their Recreation Membership or Day Pass privileges revoked.

Membership with SFU Recreation is a privilege. All members are expected to:

  • Bring proof of membership (SFU ID or equivalent membership card) every time, and scan in. Do not leave your card in your locker or office.
  • The Recreation Sports staff or official has the right to ask the participant to remove any equipment, jewelry, or accessory which they deem to be dangerous or inappropriate for the activity.
  • Wear appropriate clothing and footwear:
    • Clean clothing
    • Shirts must be worn. Shirts must cover entirety of torso.
    • No jeans, cargo pants/shorts, or any attire with protruding metal or pockets, may be worn during any Recreation Sports activity.
    • No open toed footwear.
    • Minimize the use of colognes, perfumes, and body sprays.
    • All jewelry must be removed or taped over from visible parts of the body before the participants are permitted to play.
    • All hats must be removed.
  • Respect your fellow members and staff.
  • Participants are not permitted to compete in multiple leagues for the same sport that runs on the same day, with the exception of coed leagues.
  • Any person that is currently a member of a varsity sports team cannot participate in any intramural leagues associated with that particular sport. Recreation Sports defines a current varsity athlete as any person who has practiced or played with a varsity team on a regular basis in the past year.
  • Any team found playing with an ineligible player will forfeit any points gained in the standings with that player and will be subject to a default loss for the associated game(s). The Recreation Coordinator also reserves the right to remove the team from the league.
  • Players cannot be added to an intramural team’s roster during the playoffs. Participants must have played in at least 1 regular season game.
  • No more than 3 SFU Sports Club players can compete on the same team in any intramural league associated with that particular sport. They may be required to play at the highest level offered for that sport, as required at the discretion of the Recreation Coordinator.

To view full Rec Sports Polices and Procedures Click Here