
If your department has suffered a loss in regards to SFU work or an SFU sanctioned event, you may be able to submit a claim for reimbursement through SFU's insurance program.

In the event you are not ready to make a claim but wish to notify us of an incident, please email  and provide the following:

  • Date of incident
  • Where incident occurred
  • What happened
  • SFU Department and your contact information

Note that reimburseable claims generally fall into one of two categories:

Air travel claims

Air Travel Cancellation Claims can now be made through SFU Payment Services. To find out who can assist you in submitting your claim, please visit here.

Property claims

If SFU owned, rented, leased, or borrowed equipment is damaged or stolen, your department can submit a claim to recuperate some or all of the replacement costs. A $1,000 deductible may apply in most cases; however, this is dependent on the circumstances of the loss and at the discretion of Risk Management.

Learn more about coverage and submit a claim.