Undergraduate Research

Experiential Learning Courses

Directed research under the guidance of an SFU Chemistry faculty member. Discussion with the proposed supervisor in advance of registration is necessary.

CHEM 296-1 Introduction to Experiential Undergraduate Research

Prerequisites: 30 units, including five units of 200-level CHEM
Course expectations: 4-5 hrs/week per unit
Grading: Pass/Fail

* May be taken multiple times, in a single term or over multiple terms, for a maximum of 3 units
* Safety training is required and will be provided during the semester

CHEM 396-1 Experiential Undergraduate Research

Prerequisite: 50 units, including one the following 300-level courses: CHEM 316, 332, 336, 360, 366W, 380 or NUSC 341
Course expectations: 4-5 hrs/week per unit
Grading: Pass/Fail

* May be taken multiple times, in a single term or over multiple terms, for a maximum of 3 units
* Pass/Fail courses cannot be used to meet program requirements
* Safety training is required and will be provided during the semester

Undergraduate Research Courses

Students must meet the course requirements listed below and will be subject to the standard grading practices. Contact the Undergraduate Advisor <chemadv@sfu.ca> if you have any questions.

CHEM 481-5 Undergraduate Research

CHEM 481 Proposal Form

Min GPA: 2.67 (B-) average in upper-division chemistry courses, including NUSC and MBB
Prerequisites: Completion of at least three of CHEM 316, CHEM 332, CHEM 336, CHEM 360, CHEM 366 and CHEM 380
Grading: Based on lab work, written report and a public oral presentation
Safety training is required and will be provided during the semester

CHEM 482-3 Directed Study in Advanced Topics of Chemistry

CHEM 482 Proposal Form

Program: Chemistry Major or Honours or any Chemistry Joint Program
Min GPA: 2.67 (B-) average in upper-division chemistry courses, including NUSC and MBB
Prerequisites: Completion of at least three of CHEM 316, CHEM 332, CHEM 336, CHEM 360, CHEM 366 and CHEM 380
Based on submitted reports and a public oral presentation

CHEM 483-5 Undergraduate Research II

CHEM 483 Proposal Form

Program: Chemistry Major or Honours or any Chemistry Joint Program
Min GPA: 2.67 (B-) average in upper-divison chemistry courses, including NUSC and MBB
Prerequisites: CHEM 481
Grading: Based on lab work, written report and a public oral presentation
Additional safety training may be required

CHEM 484-10 Two Semester Undergraduate Research in Chemistry

CHEM 484 Proposal Form

Program: Chemistry Major or Honours or any Chemistry Joint Program
Min GPA: 2.67 (B-) average in upper-division chemistry courses, including NUSC and MBB
Prerequisites: Completion of at least three of CHEM 316, CHEM 332, CHEM 336, CHEM 360, CHEM 366 and CHEM 380
Grading: Based on lab work, an interim written report, a final thesis document and a public oral presentation
Safety training is required and will be provided during the first semester

NUSC 482-3 Directed Study in Advanced Topics of Nuclear Science

NUSC 482 Proposal Form

Program: Nuclear Science Minor
Min GPA: 2.67 (B-) average in upper-division nuclear science courses
Prerequisites: Completion of at least three of NUSC 341, NUSC 342, NUSC 344 and NUSC 346
Based on submitted reports and a public oral presentation

Undergraduate Research and Directed Studies Enrollment Procedure

  1. Verify that you meet the minimum requirements. Email the Undergraduate Advisor <chemadv@sfu.ca> if you are unsure.
  2. Identify and contact a suitable supervisor, decide on a topic, and general a proposal with the help of your supervisor (forms linked above).
  3. Submit your completed proposal to the Undergraduate Advisor for review and approval by the Chemistry Undergraduate Studies Committee and DUGS Chair. Proposals must be submitted no later than the last day of exams in the preceding term.
  4. The Advisor will notify you and your supervisor once your proposal has been reviewed and approved, or if any changes need to be made. Once approved, you will be enrolled in the course by the Department.

Undergraduate Student Research Awards (USRA)

The 2025-2026 NSERC & VPR Sciences Undergraduate Student Research Award (USRA) Competitions have been announced. 

Award Value

The value of the award is $6,000, with an additional faculty supplement valued at a minimum $3,744.

How to Apply

Students eligible for both NSERC and VPR USRA awards should complete the NSERC USRA application only. You will automatically be considered for a VPR USRA if you are not offered an NSERC USRA.

NSERC Application Process

Students must submit the following to chemugin@sfu.ca by February 20 at 4:00 pm:

 1.  NSERC online application saved as a PDF file, including:

  •  Form 202 (Part I) (student)
  •  Form 202 (Part II) (supervisor)

2.  Copy of up-to-date unofficial transcript (SFU students) or official transcript (external applicants/Non-SFU students)

VPR Application Process

Students must submit the following to chemugin@sfu.ca by February 20 at 4:00 pm:

1. VPR USRA application form saved as a PDF file

2. Copy of up-to-date unofficial transcript

  • Printed applications will also be accepted at the Chemistry General Office (C9048).
  • International students applying for a VPR USRA must contact an International Student Advisor at intl_advising@sfu.ca to confirm work eligibility.
  • If you identify as an Indigenous student, please notify the department when you apply.


A complete list of eligibility requirements and detailed information can be found on the Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies website.

NSERC & VPR USRA Eligibility Summary



International students can apply 


Non-SFU students can apply


Applicants must be registered in a bachelor's degree program



Applicants must have completed at least two terms of a bachelor’s degree



Applicants must not have started a program of graduate studies



Applicants must have a CGPA of at least 2.67 or a B- average



Applicants must have held 2 or fewer previous USRAs 

