students, awards

Robert C. Brown Award Winner

June 18, 2012

The Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences Adjudication Committee has unanimously chosen Mr. Ramsay Malange for the Robert C. Brown Award.  Ramsay graduated with an Honours B.A. in Psychology at the June convocation.  His CGPA is 4.17.

What makes Ramsay an exceptional candidate for the Robert C. Brown Award is how he fulfills the non-academic requirements of the award:  “representing the university to the community at large” and performing in leadership roles.

While maintaining his stratospheric CGPA and engaging in original research for his Honours project, Ramsay has mentored international students through the Global Partnering System; facilitated discussion during the Envision Project; prepared the volunteer training for SFU Out On Campus; and volunteered for SFU Student Development and Programming.  Ramsay worked as a community advisor for the on-campus residences and implemented new programs aimed at improving residence life.  He has represented SFU to the community through the SFU Inspiration Club and the Semester in Dialogue.  He has served as an Orientation Leader and been a member of the water polo club.  He has been involved with SDPIRG and the SFU Results Club.