Research Labs and Groups

Primarily led by a FASS faculty member, research labs and groups are self-designated groups of researchers working together on a particular field of research and usually involves a physical space where members can meet and sometimes conduct experiments. 


Matsutake Worlds Research Group

The research group is an experiment in collaboration that includes Michael Hathaway together with Anna Tsing, Tim Choy, Lieba Faier, Miyako Inoue, Shiho Satsuka and Elaine Gan. They study matsutake picking and the matsutake commodity chain, showing how diverse cultures and ecologies engage each other in the matsutake. The team explores the more-than-human social worlds this mushroom engenders in Canada, the United States, Finland, China, and Japan.

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Forensic Entomology Lab

Established in 1999, this high-security, state-of-the-art facility is led by Gail Anderson and was the first lab in North America to focus specifically on solving crimes through the study of insect biology. The lab provides a venue for training at a variety of levels including graduate students, volunteers, undergraduate students, and criminology professionals.

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FREDA Centre for Research on Violence Against Women and Children

Led by Margaret Jackson, the Feminist Research Education Development Action (FREDA) Centre works closely with grass-roots community organizations to facilitate and conduct research on violence against women and children, in order to raise awareness and effect policy.

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Experimental Economics Lab

Led by David Freeman and Luba Petersen, the lab conducts economics experiments studying how real people make real decisions in controlled-decision environments that are difficult to produce outside of a “lab”.

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SFU Research Data Centre

Led by Simon Woodcock, the centre is part of the Canadian Research Data Centre Network and the British Columbia Inter-university Research Data Centre which is supported by our partner universities, SSHRC/CIHR, and Statistics Canada. It provides researchers access to data for crucial social research while protecting the confidentiality and security of Canadians’ information.

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Lacan Salon

Lacan Salon is a psychoanalytic study group that shares, discusses, and promotes the transmission of psychoanalytic discourse by creatively reading and engaging with the works of Jacques Lacan and Sigmund Freud in a non-reductive way. Co-founded in 2007 and developed under the guidance of Clint Burnham together with Hilda Fernandez, Paul Kingsbury, and Jesse Proudfoot. 

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Lifelong Health and Wellbeing Lab

Led by Theresa Pauly, the lab investigates how psychosocial factors, such as physical activity and cortisol levels, shape health and well-being across the adult lifespan.

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Precision Mental Health (PMH) Lab

Led by Theodore Cosco, the lab applies a community-engaged, evidence-based, data-driven, and tech-enabled approach to identify and support the mental health of individuals across the course of life. Their research seeks to identify how innovative technological approaches can be leveraged to improve well-being, social connectedness, and mental health.

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Global Humanities

Memory and Trauma Research Cluster

Initiated in 2019 by Eirini KotsoviliJames Horncastle, and Alessandra Capperdoni, the group examines literature on cultural memory, history and memory, and trauma, registering an intensification of scholarship and a widening scope across historical events, nations, states, and social concerns at the turn of the century. The contemporary world faces new challenges and it is less clear what direction new modes of enquiry and approaches of critical thought will be taking.

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Hellenic Studies

SNF New Media Lab

The Stavros Niarchos Foundation (SNF) New Media Lab is dedicated to the application of innovative, technological solutions to the teaching, learning, and promotion of Greece’s language, history and culture. Over the past 20 years, Greek and Canadian developers working in the lab have produced technology solutions for a wide array of sectors and industries, from online applications for Canadian universities to products for the Greek tourism sector.

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Indigenous Studies

Coastal Regeneration and Relationalities 

Led by Nicholas Reo, the research supports Indigenous land and sea-tenure systems, land-based healing practices, foodways, and associated knowledge.

Historical-Ecological Research (HER) Lab

Led by Chelsey Geralda Armstrong, the lab's collective research efforts are geared towards the historical ecology of forest ecosystems in settler nations and understanding the relationship between people and the inhabited landscape. The goal of the lab is to understand the role of history in shaping the structure and function of ecosystems and to interrogate the role of colonialism and settler colonial dynamics within environmental and heritage management policy. 

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Institute for Freshwater Fish Futures

Led by Zoe Todd, this is a transdisciplinary, multi-institutional, and trans-continental institute that brings together scholars and community leaders protecting freshwater fish, environmental, and human health and well-being in watersheds in Canada, the USA, Pacific, and Borneo.

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International Studies

Congo Research Group (CRG)

Founded by Jason Stearns in 2014, the CRG is based at New York University's Center on International Cooperation. Its mandate is to conduct investigative research into armed conflict in the Congo, to promote Congolese voices in debates around their country, and to render Congolese and foreign policy on the conflict more accountable and transparent. CRG also co-manages with Human Rights Watch the Kivu Security Tracker, a website that plots violent incidents in North and South Kivu provinces. 

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Led by Megan MacKenzie, the DREAM (Defence Resources Exploring Alternatives to Militarism) Lab's purpose is to support students in reimagining alternative ways that defence funds could be spent and allocated. Practically, the lab involves intensive 2-3 week in person and virtual training, research and report writing, with the aim of adopting a critical lens in comparing how current defence spending might be used differently to address pressing human security threats. Each lab group creates a report that helps to demystify and make defence budgets more tangible by treating these funds as zero-sum, comparing losses against other social and public spending. 

Ebuteli - Congo Study Group

Led by Jason Stearns, the Congo Study Group is a part of Ebuteli, a Congolese research institute based in Kinshasa that is focused on politics, governance and violence.

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Research Network on Women Peace and Security (RN-WPS)

Co-directed by Megan MacKenzie, the RN-WPS is a bilingual research hub that mobilizes Canadian-based expertise on issues related to the WPS agenda, and more broadly, the intersections of militarism, climate change, and gender. The core objectives of the network include knowledge innovation in relation to pressing global issues that challenge the WPS agenda and link to MINDS Strategic Challenges; fostering the next generation of feminist scholarship and pedagogy, and exchanges; and generating knowledge exchanges through symposiums, roundtables, workshops, and research presentations. 

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Corpus Pragmatics Prosody (CPP) Lab

Led by Nancy Hedberg, the CPP Lab investigates relationships between particular aspects of the syntactic, morphological and phonological form of linguistic expressions and constructions and particular aspects of their semantic meaning, pragmatic use, and prosodic pronunciation in extended spoken and written natural discourse.

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Discourse Processing Lab

Led by Maite Taboada, the lab studies discourse from linguistic and computational points of view. The lab examines and empirically tests the role of discourse structure in different areas of language. Current projects involve computational analysis of opinion (sentiment analysis), a study of online news comments, methods to identify whether a news article is an instance of misinformation, and the Gender Gap Tracker. 

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Experimental Syntax (XSyn) Lab

Led by Chung-hye Han, the XSyn Lab focuses on the study of natural language syntax and its interface to semantics, using data obtained through controlled experimentation from both adults and children, and statistical patterns found in naturally occurring corpora. The lab also does research on computational applications of linguistic theories, using mathematically well-defined grammar formalisms such as Tree Adjoining Grammars.

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Language and Brain (LAB) Lab

Led by Yue Wang, the LAB Lab focuses on the study of language and speech, including its perception, production, and acquisition, as well as cognitive and neural processing. The LAB Lab conducts behavioral, electro-physiological, and neuro-imaging research with both adults and children, across a variety of languages. 

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Language Development (LangDev) Lab

Led by assistant professor Henny Yeung, the LangDev Lab's research focuses on language learning in infants and young children, as well as in adult learners who are studying a new language. The lab tries to understand how language learning changes the way that we perceive the world, and also try to identify the optimal conditions for accelerating language learning and development.

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Language Production Lab

Led by John Alderete, the Language Production Lab engages in theoretical analysis of language, linguistic fieldwork, psycholinguistic experimentation, and computational modeling of language to examine how complex linguistic systems are learned and used in speech.

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Phonological Processing Lab

Led by Ashley Farris-Trimble, the Phonological Processing Lab is interested in the ways children and adults process the sounds of their language. In considering how people represent words in their minds and how they recognize the words they hear, the lab explores the connection between phonological theories and real-language use.

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Political Science

Clean Energy Research Group

Led by Anil (Andy) Hira, CERG is dedicated to studying the challenges and opportunities for the global transition from fossil fuels to renewable, clean energy systems. The group offers expert advice to policymakers and the media around the world on climate change and renewable energy and mining policy.

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Complex Social Problems Research Space

Led by Mark PickupEdana Beauvais, and Laurel Weldon. The research space allows researchers to develop and test interventions on how we can improve public policy, reduce political intolerance, mitigate the stereotyping and discrimination of vulnerable groups, and reverse the erosion of democratic norms. 

Public Policy

Re:Structure Lab

Led by Genevieve LeBaron, the lab brings together academic expertise in political science, law, policy, and business with frontline anti-trafficking policy and advocacy experience. The lab’s research strikes at the heart of forced labour’s root causes and centres the most impacted workers. It aims to push the evidence base for structural business model change to address forced labour and exploitation deeper into public policy.

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Adolescent Health Lab

Led by Marlene Moretti, the lab is interested in factors that increase risk and provide protection during pre-adolescence and adolescent development. Their work integrates research on both normative and atypical developmental trajectories with the goal of understanding how we can support healthy development and intervene during critical transitions to reduce risk.

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All Families Lab

Led by Hali Kil, the research focuses on how to better support child flourishing, including good coping skills, emotion regulation, and social relationships, across childhood and into young adulthood. Current projects address how mindfulness and cultural factors shape family relationships and positive child development.

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Attention, Memory, and Perception Laboratory

Led by Tom Spalek and Vince Di Lollo, the Spalek Laboratory of Attention, Memory, and Perception (LAMP)'s research interests include: visual attention, memory, and perception; the attentional blink, inhibition of return, visual search, visual masking, re-entrant visual processing, the 're-activation positivity', emotion and attention, emotion and memory and face and object processing, among other topics.  

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Autism and Developmental Disabilities Lab

Led by Grace Iarocci, the ADDL conducts research on Autism Spectrum Disorders, Down Syndrome, Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders, and other Developmental Disabilities.

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Behavioural Neuroendocrinology Laboratory

Led by Neil Watson, the lab studies the ways that male and female hormones affect the brains and behaviour of men and women. The labs' research is interested in memory, cognition, emotion and personality, and how they are influenced by hormones throughout our lives.

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Child Research Group

Consisting of faculty members in Education, Psychology, and Linguistics, the Child Research Group is interested in child development. The group studies children from birth to 17 years old, with a focus on understanding child well-being, language development, family relationships and parenting, as well as parental engagement in child mental health treatments.

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Children's Memory Research Group

Led by Deborah Connolly, the group's research concerns the legal and psychological responses to crimes against children. Much of the research is concerned with children’s abilities and limitations in the context of autobiographical memory reports of repeated events. The research is meant to support the prosecution of such crimes without compromising the fundamental right of accused persons to be presumed innocent.  

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Close Relationships Lab

Led by Rebecca Cobb, the goal is to better understand how romantic relationships change and develop over time. The lab aims to examine how factors such as psychological health, attachment security, and communication can affect couples' relationship and sexual satisfaction. Current research projects focus on the role of sexual communication in romantic relationships and how to teach people to have healthier and happier relationships.

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Cognitive Aging Lab

Led by Wendy Thornton, the lab is a clinical neuropsychology research and training facility that conducts research to improve our understanding of the interplay between cognitive abilities, health, and psychosocial factors in older adults and those with chronic health conditions.

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Cognitive Science Lab

Led by Mark Blair, the lab studies learning, visual attention, and their interconnections, so that we can understand how learning changes the way we access information—both with our eyes, and via computer interfaces—and how accessing the correct information can improve our learning. 

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Led by Molly Cairncross, the Concussion Outcomes, Recovery, and Tech Interventions (CORTECH) Lab focuses on brain-behaviour relationships. The lab studies the psychosocial determinants of health after concussion across the lifespan (adolescents and adults) and use these insights to develop accessible behavioural interventions for those with persistent symptoms.

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Culture and Development Lab

Led by Tanya MacGillivray, the lab's research is focused on questions related to early social development and the role of experience. Its research is centred on the topic of social learning, which encompasses research on social communication, early learning and imitation, attachment, parenting, and the role of formal education. The lab has two locations—one at SFU and one on Tanna Island, Vanuatu. 

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Douglas Research Lab

Led by Kevin Douglas, the lab's research interests include violence and crime, victimization, suicide, and self-harm, psychopathy, forensic assessment, and law and psychology. 

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Early Social Development Group

Led by Jeremy Carpendale, the group's research is focused on cognitive development, social cognitive development, and moral development in children. 

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Eyewitness Memory Lab

Led by Ryan Fitzgerald, the lab's research interests include memory, face recognition, eyewitness testimony, and legal evidence.

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Grow to Care Lab

Led by Joanna Peplak, the lab works toward understanding children's social-emotional development and sharing evidence-based tools and strategies to support child development. 

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Helping and Happiness Lab

Led by Lara Aknin, the lab is interested in the study of what makes people happy, the emotional consequences of kind or generous behavior, and the well-being outcomes of specific spending choices.

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Human Electrophysiology Laboratory

Led by John McDonald, the lab is an EEG laboratory that uses non-invasive measures of brain activity to investigate perception, attention, memory, and the interactions between different sensory modalities.

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Human Neuropsychology Laboratory

Led by Allen Thornton, the lab studies the neurocognitive aspects of psychiatric disorders, the neurobehavioral and cognitive outcomes following concussion and traumatic brain injury, and the cognitive and behavioral features of individuals with multimorbidities. 

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Intergroup Relations and Social Justice Lab

Led by Stephen Wright, the main focus of the lab's research is on intergroup relations and social identity, but projects in the lab cover a range of other related topics in social psychology.

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Measurement and Modelling Lab

Led by Rachel Fouladi, the lab tackles research quesitons aimed at advancing measurement and modelling of psychological phenomena. The research projects include studies of data collection and data analytic strategies that are employed in many disciplines, but with specific emphasis on understanding factors influencing people's response processes in the generation of responses to questionnaires/surveys. 

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Personality and Emotion Research Lab

Led by Alexander Chapman, the PERL aims to understand what contributes to problems with emotion regulation and how we can help people improve emotion regulation through effective treatment strategies. 

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Led by Yuthika Girme, the Singlehood Experiences and Complexities Underlying Relationships (SECURE) Lab conducts research on singlehood experiences, intimate relationships, and psychological well-being. 

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Sleep and Circadian Neuroscience Lab

Led by Ralph Mistlberger, the lab aims to gain an understanding of how food availability, behavioural regulation, and sleep loss mechanisms influence circadian rhythms and their underlying neurobiological mechanisms.

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Social-Cognitive Science Lab

Led by Sally Xie, the lab studies how people learn and reason about each other to navigate a dynamic social world. We aim to better understand how cognition flexibly unfolds across different social contexts, and to use these insights to facilitate social connection, coordination, and change.

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Studies in Methodology and Philosophy of Psychological Science Lab

Led by Kate Slaney, the lab conducts research in areas of history and philosophy of science, analysis of various theoretical systems in psychology, with an emphasis on methods and methodology. 

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Sustainability, Identity, and Social Change Lab

Led by Michael T. Schmitt, the SISC Lab focuses on a social identity theory approach to environmental sustainability and environmental activism in addition to other topics in intergroup relations and collective identity.

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Translational Neuroscience Lab

Led by Brianne Kent, the lab combines basic science and clinical research to understand how sleep and circadian rhythm disturbances contribute to the memory loss associated with Alzheimer's disease.  

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Vision Lab

Led by Richard Wright, the lab studies a number of different factors that affect the efficiency of visual processing, and an important one is attention. The lab ab cconducts experiments on change blindness, inattentional blindness, and visual search. 

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Weight and Eating Lab

Led by Shannon Zaitsoff, the WEL seeks to better understand factors that can impede or enhance healthy eating and weight practices. The lab's research examines: (a) the importance of family meals in relation to healthy eating and weight, (b) the process and experience of weight loss, and (c) the role of the patient-therapist relationship in family-based treatments for adolescents with eating disorders.

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Last updated February 11, 2025