Dr. Larry Weldon

Contents of this page

Course Notes

Research Interests

Stat Ed Papers

Other Papers

Associate Professor
(Retired-Aug 2007)
Department of Statistics
and Actuarial Science, SFU
(604) 943-7962 (Home)
Although I am retired, I do remain active in discussions relating to everyday applications of statistical ideas, such as illusions of randomness, the difference between risk and variability, and the value of simulation and graphics for studying important phenomena. I invite discussion via email (weldon@sfu.ca) or text (604-319-0384).
Research Interests
Probability & Statistics:
applied probability modeling and
simulation of complex models,
graphical data analysis and synthesis,
multivariate estimation.
The foundations of of statistics reflecting
the broadening vision of the discipline,
and the reality of the computer age.


Course Notes

STAT 280 (Probability Models) (2001)
STAT 100 (Chance and Data Analysis) (2002)
STAT 400 (Data Analysis) (2003)
STAT 802 (Multivariate Analysis) (2003)
STAT 400 (Data Analysis) (2005)
STAT 802 (Multivariate Analysis) (2005)
STAT 300 (Statistics Communication) (2006)
STAT 270 (Introduction to Probability and Statistics) (2007)
STAT 100 (Chance and Data Analysis) (2010)

Papers About Foundations of Statistics, and Course Content

1. Weldon, K.L. Statistics: A Conceptual Approach.. Prentice-Hall. New York. 1986
2. On Teaching the Non-Algebraic Aspects of Statistics ICOTS II, Univ. of Victoria, August 1986
3. Statistics: Mathematical Specialty or Separate Discipline? - Liaison 1: 34-35. 1986
4. Statistical Re-education of Industrial Scientists and Engineers - ASA, Proc Statist. Education, New Orleans, pp96-98. 1988
5. Weldon, K.L. and Buenaventura, M The Foundations of Applicable Statistics - Research Report 88-06, Department of Mathematics and Statistics, Simon Fraser University - 1988
6.Weldon, K.L. and Tham, P.What is Basic Statistics? Lessons from a Canadian-Indonesian Project - Proceedings ICOTS III:2:95-99: - University of Otago, Dunedin - August, 1990
7. Weldon, K.L. and Potvin, D., Nonparametric recovery of duration distributions from cross-sectional sample surveys, Commun. Statist.-Theory Meth., 20(12), 1991,3943-3973.
8. Weldon, K.L. Pre-computer relics that survive only in Statistics texts. Proceedings of the 25th Symposium on Computer Science and Statistics, The Interface. San Diego, April 1993, pp. 371-374.
9.Teaching mathematical modeling for the social sciences - Proceedings of SEACME 6 Conference (6th South East Asia Conference on Mathematical Statistics) - Institut Tecknologi Surabaya, Surabaya, Indonesia. June 1993
10.Modern Statistics: Theory, Practice and the Impact of Computers - University of Vera Cruz, Jalapa, Mexico. May, 1994
11. On Teaching the Big Ideas of Statistics: a project-based approach. Abstract. Proceedings of ICOTS4, Marrakesh, Morocco, July 1994.
12. Applications of Probability in the Real World - Lotteries, Insurance, Stock Markets, Sports, and Grades. Presentation to Langley District Professional Day, February 17, 1995. Unpublished manuscript.
13. The Role of Probability Modeling in Statistical Inference. Proceedings of the South East Asian Mathematics Society Conference: Mathematical Analysis and Statistics. Yogyakarta. Indonesia. July 1995.
14.Some Embarrassing Questions for Teachers and Students of Statistics. Prepared for Presentation at ISI Conference, Beijing, August, 1995. Unpublished manuscript.
15. On Learning to Use Statistical Theory. New Zealand Statistician 31:2:20-31. 1996.
16. Maclean, L.C. and Weldon, K.L. Estimating Multivariate Random Effects Without Replication. Communications in Statistics A: 25(7):1447-1469. 1996
17. Maclean L.C. and Weldon, K.L. System Degeneration and Repair - Relating Model Parameters to Observables. Prepared for Presentation at the Annual meeting of the Statistical Society of Canada, Fredericton, June 1997. Unpublished manuscript.
18.The Emergence of Statistics without Probability, and of Probability without Statistics. Talk handout for presentation at SFU Seminar, June 19, 1997.
19. (with Griffiths, D. and Stirling, D) (1998) Understanding Data: principles and practice of statistics. Wiley. Brisbane.
20. Simulation Models, Graphical Outputs, and Statistical Discovery. June 23, 1998. Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on Teaching Statistics, Singapore.
21. Experience with an online introductory statistics course. Proceedings of the 52nd ISI biennial conference, Helsinki. 1999.
22. Seven Trimesters of an Online Introductory Statistics Course. Journal of Distance Education. 2000.
23. A Simplified Introduction to Correlation and Regression. Journal of Statistical Education, v8,n3, 2000.
24. Less parametric Statistical Methods. Submitted to The American Statistician, June, 2001
25. Informal Probability in the First Service Course. Submitted to the Journal of Statistical Education, June 2001.
26. Directions for the Evolution of Statistics. Poster Session. Statistical Society of Canada Annual Meeting. Simon Fraser University. June 2001.
27. Statistical Education with Official Statistics on the Internet. Bulletin of the International Statistical Institute, 53rd Session Proceedings, Soeul, August, 2001.
28. Advanced Topics for an Introductory Service Course in Statistics. Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on Teaching Statistics. Cape Town, July 2002.
29. Standard Deviation and Portfolio Risk - Jargon and Practice. Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on Teaching Statistics. Cape Town, July 2002.
30. Replacing the Statistics Text with Reader Excerpts and Timely Internet Notes. Proceedings of the IASE Satellite Conference to 44rth ISI Conference. Berlin. August 2003.
31. The Role of Weighted Averages in Statistics Education. Proceedings of the 44rth Meeting of the International Statistical Institute. Berlin. August 2003.
32. Some under-used, but simple and useful, data analysis techniques. Biometrics Institute, University of Ljubljana, Ljubljana, Slovenia,September 2004.
33. A case-oriented introduction to the statistics discipline. Departmental Seminar at Orebro University, Orebro, Sweden, September 2004
34. Less Parametric Methods in Statistics. Annual Meeting of the Slovenian Statistical Society, Ljubljana, Slovenia, September, 2004.
35. From Data to Graphs to Words - but Where are the Models? Proceedings of the ISI/IASE Satellite Conference in Sydney, Australia, April 2005.
36. Modern introductory statistics using simulation and data analysis. Proceedings of the 45th Biennial Meeting of the International Statistical Institute, Sydney, Australia, April 2005.
37. Less Parametric Methods in Statistics. Metodolski Zvezki, vol 2, July, 2005
38. Some controversies of statistics education and practice. Student Seminar, SFU, March, 2006.
38. Some controversies of statistics education and practice.(Power Point)Presentation to SFU Student Seminar, SFU, March, 2006.
39. Risk management for DC pension plans Proceedings of Stochastic Modelling Symposium, Toronto, April 2006.
40. R for elementary stats, Presentation to the BCCUPMS, Victoria, May, 2006
41. Data analysis and the shackles of statistical tradition. (Power Point), Presentation to UBC Student Seminar, May, 2006.
42. Sports team quality as a context for understanding variabilityProceedings ICOTS7, Salvador, Brazil, July 2006.
43. Integrating Data Analysis with Parametric Inference in Undergraduate StatisticsPresentation in Joint Statistical Meetings, Salt Lake City, July, 2007
43. Integrating Data Analysis with Parametric Inference in Undergraduate Statistics.(Power Point)Presentation to Joint Statistical Meetings, Salt Lake City, July 2007.
44. User Friendly Jargon for Statistics.Luncheon Handout at Joint Statistical Meetings, Salt Lake City, July 2007.
45. Assessment of a writing course in statistics Proceedings of ISI/IASE Satellite Conference, Guimaraes, Portugal, August, 2007.
45. Assessment of a writing course in statistics(Power Point) Proceedings of ISI/IASE Satellite Conference, Guimaraes, Portugal, August, 2007.
46. Discussion for IPM45: Studying Variability through sports phenomena Proceedings of 56th Session of ISI, Lisbon, Portugal, August, 2007.
46. Discussion for IPM45: Studying Variability through sports phenomena(Power Point) Proceedings of 56th Session of ISI, Lisbon, Portugal, August, 2007.
47. Everyday Benefits of Understanding Variability Applied Statistics 2007 Conference, Ljubljana, Slovenia, September, 2007.
47. Everyday Benefits of Understanding Variability(Power Point) Applied Statistics 2007 Conference, Ljubljana, Slovenia, September, 2007.
48. Exploring Randomness - Delusions and Opportunities(Power Point) Presentation to SFU Grad Course LS 812, Nov 3, 2007.
48. Notes to accompany Power Point "Exploring Randomness - Delusions and Opportunities" SFU Grad Course LS 812, Nov 3, 2007.
49. Experience Early, Logic Later OZCOTS-2008 Conference in Melbourne, July 3-4, 2008
49. Experience Early, Logic Later (Power Point) OZCOTS-2008 Conference in Melbourne, July 3-4, 2008
50. How Can IASE have an Impact on Statistics Education in Schools? JSM-2008 Conference in Denver, August, 2008
50. How Can IASE have an Impact on Statistics Education in Schools?(Power Point) JSM-2008 Conference in Denver, August, 2008
51. Exploring Randomness - Delusions and Opportunities Talk notes for SFURA talk, Nov 18, 2008
51. Exploring Randomness - Delusions and Opportunities(Power Point) SFURA talk, Nov 18, 2008
52. Some Simple, Useful, but Seldom Taught, Statistical Techniques(Power Point) Seminar, University of Manitoba, Nov 27, 2008
53. Some Uses of the Freeware, R, for Studying Financial Phenomena Seminar, Dalhousie University, Feb 20, 2009
53. Some Uses of the Freeware, R, for Studying Financial Phenomena(Power Point) Seminar, Dalhousie University, Feb 20, 2009
54. Authentic Content in Statistics Courses: Adapting Content to Modern Practice(Power Point) Workshop, Canadian Mathematics Education Forum, Vancouver, May 1, 2009
55. Authentic Content in Statistics Courses: Adapting Content to Modern Practice(Power Point) Annual Conference of the Statistical Society of Canada, UBC, June 2, 2009
55. Addendum to 55.SSC2009.ppt(Power Point)
56. Experiential Learning in Statistics: Expanding its RoleDepartmental Seminar, Statistics Department, University of Toronto, October 29, 2009
57. Experiential Learning in Statistics: Expanding its Role (Power Point)Departmental Seminar, Statistics Department, University of Toronto, October 29, 2009.
58. Surprising Consequences of Randomness LS 829 Presentation, Simon Fraser University, February 6, 2010
58. Surprising Consequences of Randomness (Power Point) LS 829 Presentation, Simon Fraser University, February 6, 2010
59. Strategies for Teaching an Enduring Knowledge of Statistics Annual Conference of the Statistical Society of Canada, Quebec City, May 24, 2010
59. Strategies for Teaching an Enduring Knowledge of Statistics(Power Point) Annual Conference of the Statistical Society of Canada, Quebec City, May 24, 2010
60. Banishing the Theory-Applications Dichotomy from Statistics Education International Conference on Teaching Statistics 8, Ljubljana, Slovenia, July 11-16, 2010
60. Banishing the Theory-Applications Dichotomy from Statistics Education (Power Point) International Conference on Teaching Statistics 8, Ljubljana, Slovenia, July 11-16, 2010
61. The Magic of Randomness: How to explain statistics to your uneducated friends (Power Point) SFU/UBC Graduate Student Workshop in Statistics, UBC at Robson Square, Vancouver, BC, February 26, 2011
62. Teaching Statistics Concepts Through Stock Market Contexts International Conference on Teaching Statistics 9, Flagstaff, Arizona, July 13-18, 2014
62. Teaching Statistics Concepts Through Stock Market Contexts International Conference on Teaching Statistics 9, Flagstaff, Arizona, July 13-18, 2014 (Power Point)
63. Analysis by Simulation and Graphics, some examples UBC-Okanagan Seminar, Kelowna,B.C., Feb. 6, 2017
63. Analysis by Simulation and Graphics, some examples UBC-Okanagan Seminar, Kelowna,B.C., Feb. 6, 2017 (Power Point)
64. Analysis by Simulation and Graphics, some examples Statistics Seminar University of the Fraser Valley, Abbotsford,B.C., Mar. 10, 2017
64. Analysis by Simulation and Graphics, some examples Statistics Seminar University of the Fraser Valley, Abbotsford,B.C., Mar. 10, 2017 (Power Point)
65. Analysis by Simulation and Graphics, some examples Statistics Seminar University of Victoria, Victoria,B.C., Mar. 30, 2017
65. Analysis by Simulation and Graphics, some examples Statistics Seminar University of Victoria, Victoria,B.C., Mar. 30, 2017 (Power Point)
66. Teaching the Big Ideas of Statistics Presentation at SSC2022 Virtual Conference of SSC, May 30, 2022
66. Teaching the Big Ideas of Statistics Presentation at SSC2022 Virtual Conference of SSC, May 30, 2022 (Presentation Slides)

Other Publications 1972-2006

(Topics in Biostatistics, Health Care Research, Multivariate Analysis, etc. )

Click here for a list of these other Publications, 1972-2006

Family Photos:Kailas and Sequoia, Christine and Warren, Allison&Andy,
Katie&Jeff, Jill, Penny&Rocco, Kaljo and Kelly, Audrey and Zed, Laurel and Aaron