The basics

Signature Sheets are administrative forms that accompany all research grant applications and contracts. They constitute a formal agreement between researchers, Chairs, Deans and the University about the activities that will take place during a project.  This includes everything from budget management and space allocation to ethics approvals and teaching releases. Signature Sheet are required for ALL funded activities — this includes small grants such as VPRI Travel Grants, non-typical grants such as contracts or foundation funding, and co-PI/co-applicant status on submissions with a lead PI/applicant in a different school at FCAT. 

For additional information and to access the form, please visit the VPRI Sig Sheet Page.

Please note: ORS is currently prototyping a software program called Kuali that will replace the Signature Sheet system. Stay tuned for updates.

Required Signatures

principal investigator/applicant signature is required to indicate acceptance and willingness to carry out the project within the established budget, and according to the terms of the project (for example, with ethics approval) if the application is successful. 

Department Chair or Program/School Director signature is required to approve availability of facilities, space, teaching releases, etc. required to carry out the project. 

* If a Research Institute or Research Centre is involved in a project, including by providing space or resources, the Institute or Centre Director’s signature is required to approve these contributions. 

Faculty Dean/Associate Dean, Research signature is required to approve facilities, space, matching funds etc. committed to the project.  The Associate Dean will also review the proposal to make sure that the signature sheet accurately reflects the work that is being proposed.

Vice President, Research (or delegate) signature is required to indicate that the University is prepared to administer funds for the project on behalf of the principal investigator/applicant. 


Co-investigators should be listed in the appropriate section of the signature sheet. 

Note that signature sheets can be used to document resource sharing promises among the members of a project team.  This can include both commitments to support the grant (e.g. with space), as well as commitments to share the project budget.

If you are a co-investigator and the project’s principal investigator is not a member of FCAT (including all other Faculties at SFU as well as separate institutions), you must complete a Signature Sheet to document the portion of the budget that will flow into FCAT and/or any supports that FCAT will provide to the project. 

Special requirements and planning ahead

Incremental resources must be anticipated during proposal development. These include teaching release time, space and facilities, equipment, services, and other resources. Institutional approval may be withdrawn if future incremental resources exceed what the University can provide.  It is a good idea to acquire letters of support to document offers of incremental support, and/or these can be documented in the 'additional infromation' section at the bottom of the form.