
If you are a Core French, French immersion or Intensive French program teacher and want to deepen your teaching practices through authentic learning situations, this week is for you!

immersion program

Tuesday, July 2: Building Our Community
  • Welcome breakfast
  • Relaxing soft start activities
  • Workshop: Construisons une communauté d'apprentissage accueillante
  • Campus walk and lunch at the Dining Commons
  • Atelier: Mon identité professionnelle et linguistique 
  • Reflections and sharing
Wednesday, July 3: Collaborating to build connections
  • Collaborative activities and games
  • Workshop: Placer la collaboration au coeur de l'apprentissage
  • Picnic at Deer Lake
  • Apprendre de et par la terre: utiliser la nature comme outil d'apprentissage
  • Visit of the Burnaby Village Museum & scavenger hunt
Thursday, July 4: Providing support and engaging your French learners in the process of developing their competencies
  • Collaborative activities and games
  • Workshop: Inclure et soutenir les apprenant·es en classe d'immersion
  • Campus walk and lunch at the Dining Commons
  • Workshop: Quoi faire de l’anglais? Trouver l’équilibre entre la policière et le laisser-faire
Friday, July 5: Enjoying ourselves while reinforcing our community connections in Vancouver!
  • Workshop: Les albums jeunesse: une richesse en classe d'immersion
  • Cultural activity: Théâtre la Seizième
  • Lunch at Café salade de fruits
  • Escape room
  • Reflections and sharing

Core French Program

Tuesday, July 2: Building Our Community
  • Welcome breakfast
  • Relaxing soft start activities
  • Workshop: Build a welcoming learning community: making connections and collaborating to facilitate learning French
  • Campus walk and lunch at the Dining Commons
  • Workshop: The Action-oriented Approach: interacting through games
  • Reflections and sharing
Wednesday, July 3: Collaborating to build connections
  • Collaborative activities and games
  • Workshop: My professional identity as a French teacher 
  • Picnic at Deer Lake
  • Learning from and with the land: using nature as a pedagogical tool
  • Visit of the Burnaby Village Museum & scavenger hunt
Thursday, July 4: Providing support and engaging your French learners in the process of developing their competencies
  • Collaborative activities and games
  • Workshop: Habits of the Effective Bilingual Person: Guidelines for Retention and Motivation of Students 
  • Campus walk and lunch at the Dining Commons 
  • Workshop: Beginner's Core French: Free resources and unit plans to build a foundation of French from SFU-OFFA
  • Reflections and sharing
Friday, July 5: Enjoying ourselves while reinforcing our community connections in Vancouver!
  • Cultural activity: Théâtre La Seizième
  • Workshop: Aucun mot, aucun problème: Picture Books to develop competencies in Core French 
  • Lunch at Café salade de fruits
  • Escape room
  • Reflections and sharing

About the workhops presented by Dre Monica Tang

TUESDAY, July 2 PM | 12:45 to 2:45 p.m.

« Mon identité professionnelle et linguistique » (immersion)

En Colombie-Britannique, environ 60-75% des enseignant·es de/en français ont le français comme langue seconde L2 (ou additionelle L+). Quand on travaille dans sa L2/L+, notre travail peut être très satisfaisant parce qu’on a la chance de partager avec la prochaine génération le plaisir unique de découvrir ce que l’on est capable de faire dans une autre langue.

But sometimes, we wonder:

  • « Is my French good enough? »
  • “Do others judge me for the mistakes that I (might) make?”
  • “Does anyone notice that I avoid speaking in front of other francophones?”
  • “Do others think that my low confidence in French (in front of adults) means I’m also a bad teacher?”
  • “Would I be better off teaching in English, instead of teaching in Immersion?”

Cette session (bilingue) ouvrira une discussion franche par rapport à la perception de son identité linguistique comme enseignant·e de français, afin de pouvoir mieux comprendre comment l’identité peut être « négociée » et comment sa confiance peut augmenter. À l’aide des quatre dispositions idéales d’une personne bilingue que présentera Monica, cette session aidera à créer une intention et direction concrètes à la semaine FrancoFun. 

THURSDAY, July 4 AM | 9:45 to 11:45 a.m.

« Quoi faire de l’anglais? Trouver l’équilibre entre la policière et le laisser-faire » (Immersion)

En immersion française, il est normal que nos élèves aient parfois recours à l’anglais pour communiquer, puisque c’est leur langue dominante, dans la majorité des cas. Toutefois, ça peut être difficile de les encourager à parler le français le plus possible. La solution n’est pas un seul système mais bien un ensemble de pratiques qui tiennent compte des besoins langagiers et émotifs ainsi que le développement des habiletés d’auto-régulation de nos élèves.

WEDNESDAY, July 3 AM | 9:45 to 11:45 a.m.

« My professional identity as a French teacher » (Core French)

Teaching and working in one’s second (L2) or additional language (L+) can be challenging. It can also be highly satisfying to share the joys and pleasures of the process of learning a new language. But sometimes, we wonder:

  • « Is my French good enough? »
  • “Am I saying it right? Is it better to speak LESS French to my students and ensure that it’s 100% accurate, or increase the amount that they are exposed to even though it may not be correct?”
  • “Do other teachers judge me for the mistakes that I (might) make?”
  • “Although I say that I want to improve my own French, I would be mortified if someone corrected me in public!”
  • “Do others think that my low confidence in French (in front of adults) means I’m also a bad teacher?”

This session is intended to open up an honest discussion on how we perceive our linguistic identity as French teachers as well as learn how our identities can be “negotiated”, resulting in a greater sense of confidence and legitimacy as French teachers. Monica will introduce the concept of “Four Ideal Dispositions of Bilingual People”, as a way of setting an intention and a concrete direction for the FrancoFun Week and the rest of the year!  

THURSDAY, July 4 PM | 1:00 pm to 3:00 pm

«  Habits of the Effective Bilingual Person: Guidelines for Retention and Motivation of Students » (Core French)

Following the previous session on linguistic identity, this workshop will introduce some ideas for supporting students’ identity construction as beginning/intermediate language learners. The four ideal dispositions of bilingual people will be reexamined in the context of teaching French as a second language. We will have the opportunity to take concrete examples of FSL teaching and analyze them with an Identity-focus. Doing so may help students see themselves as legitimate users of French and nurture their enjoyment and desire to continue learning!