Graduand David Walker laces up his running shoes as he prepares to strike another goal off his bucket list.

Philosophy, Students

Grad strikes philosophy degree off long bucket list

October 06, 2017

From SFU News:

By Diane Luckow

David Walker, 68, enjoyed an enviable career, touching down in more than 60 countries as part of his work in leading charitable organizations.

So why did he return to SFU to complete a BA in philosophy after abandoning it 37 years ago when he was just seven credits shy of graduating?

Completing his degree is just one of 32 goals on a bucket list he began compiling almost two years ago after he retired and then learned he has incurable kidney disease.

“It caused me to think about what I wanted to accomplish,” he says, “like writing three books, setting some age records in running, and getting some significant joy from receiving my SFU degree.”