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- 2023 Archives
- Scientists dig deep and find a way to accurately predict snowmelt after droughts
- Cracking the Case of Missing Snowmelt After Drought
- 2023 Esri Canada GIS Scholarship for SFU
- Thesis Defence - Congratulations to Daniel Murphy
- Thesis Defence - Congratulations to Kyle Kusack
- Thesis Defence - Congratulations to Matthew Taylor
- Anke Baker Wins Staff Achievement Award
- Spring 2023 Virtual Geospeaker Event with Ginger Gosnell-Myers
- CAG Paper Presentation Award - Congratulations to Alysha van Duynhoven!
- Informing & Engaging Urban Youth on Public Hearings: GEOG 363 Final Showcase
- Research Talk: Modeling Urban Wetland Complexities
- Highlight Paper: Quantifying land carbon cycle feedbacks under negative CO2 emissions
- Bright Addae winner of the 2023 SFU ECCE GIS Scholarship Award
- Thesis Defence - Congratulations to Jonny Cripps
- Thesis Defence - Congratulations to Diandra Oliver
- 2023 Geospeaker Presentation with Dr. Pauline McGuirk
- Congratulations to Our Graduates - October 2023
- Evaluating the impact of educational goals at SFU
- The Belongings of Precariously Housed People - A Report
- Thesis Defence - Congratulations to Takuma Mihara
- Thesis Defence - Congratulations to Adrienne Arbor
- Thesis Defence - Congratulations to Claire Shapton
- 2023 Distinguished Speaker Presentation with Dr. Deb Cowen
- Cheers to Paul Degrace and his well-earned retirement!
- 2024 Archives
- Professor Nicholas Blomley Honored with the Community-Engaged Research Achievement Award
- Graduate Students Claire Shapton and Marina Chavez Honored with the Community-Engaged Graduate Scholar Award
- Applications now open: 2024 ESRI Canada GIS Scholarship for SFU
- Associate Professor Rosemary Collard achieves 13th place on SFU Altmetric List
- The PEAK feature: GSU hosts inaugural RANGE conference
- Gabrielle Wong wins First Prize in 2023 Student Learning Commons Writing Contest
- Gabrielle Wong receives Warren Gill Memorial Award
- Professor Nick Blomley receives Warren Gill Memorial Award for Community Impact
- Geography Student Union recipient of the FENV 2024 Changemaker Awards
- Senior Lecturer Tara Holland reveals the secret sauce of great teaching
- Senior Lecturer Tara Holland Receives SFU 2023 Excellence in Teaching Award
- Thesis Defence - Congratulations to Bright Addae
- GIS undergraduate students participate in the Canada-wide 2024 AppChallenge competition
- Senior Lecturer Andrew Perkins Receives SFU 2024 Dean's Award of Excellence in Teaching
- Congratulations to Alysha van Duynhoven, Canada's 2024 ESRI Young Scholar
- Thesis Defence - Congratulations to Robert Ehlert
- Thesis Defence - Congratulations to Stephan Nieweler
- Eugene McCann writes on "livable cities" in The Tyee
- Tiana Andjelic wins the 2024 SFU ECCE GIS Scholarship Award
- Thesis Defence - Congratulations to Marina Chavez
- Thesis Defence - Congratulations to Mia Fitzpatrick
- Thesis Defence - Congratulations to Lan Qing Zhao
- Thesis Defence - Congratulations to Tyler Cole
- Thesis Defence - Congratulations to Benjamin Lartey
- Thesis Defence - Congratulations to Olivia Nieves
- Thesis Defence - Congratulations to Max Hurson
- Thesis Defence - Congratulations to John Sykes
- Farewell to Robert "Bob" Horsfall, Associate Professor
- Thesis Defence - Congratulations to André Araújo
- SFU Geography welcomes ethnobotanist, Leigh Joseph, as professor of Indigenous geographies
- Physical Geography September: What is Physical Geography?
- Alysha Van Duynhoven communicates award-winning research at international GIS conference
- How Dr. Tracy Brennand’s visionary leadership shaped the Department of Geography - a heartfelt thank-you
- Dr. Tracy Brennand honoured with the Canadian Association of Geographers (CAG) Award
- Thesis Defence - Congratulations to Jay Matsushiba
- Human Geography October: What is Human Geography?
- MA Student Joy Russell featured on CBC Vancouver
- Human Geography October: What is Urban Worlds?
- Ajay Minhas Receives 2024 Warren Gill Award
- Dr. Nadine Schuurman featured in SFU news article on Runnability
- GIS Month: What is Geographic Information Science (GIS)?
- Thesis Defence - Congratulations to Joy Russell
- Perspectives from students using ChatGPT in a large enrollment fully online GIS Course
- Motivations, Habits and Risks of using ChatGPT in the On-Campus Quantitative Geography course
- Thesis Defence - Congratulations to Ian McDonald
- Hallway Screens Slides
- 2023 Archives
- Alumni
Program: PhD (Human Geography)
Supervisor: Dr. Eugene McCann
Committee: Dr. Damien Contandriopoulos (University of Victoria); Dr. Kendra Strauss (Simon Fraser University)
- MA, Geography, Simon Fraser University
- Thesis: Policy Frontiers: City-Regional Politics of Poverty and Drug Policy Mobility
- BA (Hons.), Geography, University of British Columbia
Joseph-Armand Bombardier Canada Graduate Scholarship (Doctoral), Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (2020)
I am a PhD candidate in the Department of Geography. As a geographer and health policy researcher, my research is concerned broadly with the spatial, political-economic, and social dimensions of health care policymaking. I use a comparative political economy approach to study the movement and implementation of market-oriented health policy reforms and health services restructuring in Canada and the UK.
My doctoral research examines comparative primary care reform in British Columbia, England, and Scotland. The research seeks to explain how funding reforms in the three jurisdictions – including local experimentation – are reshaping the roles of government, civil society, and the private sector in care provision and the governance of public health care systems. It seeks to understand what effects these changes have on citizens served by these public health care systems, and how political struggles over the marketization of public health care are expressed through, and influenced by, primary care reform. Using a mixed-methods, case study approach, this research seeks to explain how the political and economic aspects of primary care reform shape whether jurisdictions are successful – or not – in their efforts to improve population health and contain health care costs within a context of fiscal pressure.
I am also a research associate with the BC Office of the Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives, and publish health policy and health services research on a variety of topics, including health care funding, privatization, surgical wait times, pandemic response, seniors’ care, physician compensation and primary care reform. I am a frequent commentator on health policy issues, and my research and commentaries have appeared in/on CBC News, CKNW, CTV, Global, The Globe and Mail, Healthy Debate, Policy Note, Policy Options, The Province, The Toronto Star, The Tyee, The Vancouver Sun, among others.
Journal Articles and Book Chapters
Banerjee, A., McGregor, M., Ponder, S., & Longhurst, A. (2021). Long-Term Care Facility Workers’ Perceptions of the Impact of Subcontracting on their Conditions of Work and the Quality of Care: A Qualitative Study in British Columbia. Canadian Journal on Aging 41(2), 264-272.
Sturm, T., Mercille, J., Albrecht, T., Cole, J., Dodds, K., & Longhurst, A. (2021). Interventions in critical health geopolitics: Borders, rights, and conspiracies in the COVID-19 pandemic. Political Geography 91.
Ponder, C. S., Longhurst, A., and McGregor, M. (2020) Contracting-out care: The socio-spatial politics of nursing home care at the intersection of British Columbia’s labour, land, and capital markets. Environment and Planning C: Politics and Space 39(4), 800-817.
Longhurst, A., Ponder, S., & McGregor, M. (2019). Labour Restructuring and Nursing Home Privatization in British Columbia, Canada. In P. Armstrong & H. Armstrong (Eds.), The Privatization of Care: The Case of Nursing Homes (pp. 102-122). London: Routledge.
Longhurst, A., & McCann, E. (2017). Political struggles on a frontier of harm reduction drug policy: Geographies of constrained policy mobility. In S. Williams & B. Warf (Eds.), Drugs, Law, People, Place and the State: Ongoing Regulation, Resistance and Change (pp. 109-123).
London: Routledge. [Invited reprint from Space & Polity article]
Longhurst, A., & McCann, E. (2016). Political struggles on a frontier of harm reduction drug policy: Geographies of constrained policy mobility. Space & Polity, 20(1), 109-123.
Longhurst, A. (2012). Aestheticization and Consumption in Advanced Capitalism: The Woodward’s Redevelopment as a Landscape of Class Power. Trail Six 6, 2-18
Selected Research Reports
Longhurst, A. (2022). The Concerning Rise of Corporate Medicine. Vancouver: Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives—BC Office. 15 pp.
Longhurst, A. (2020). Assisted Living in British Columbia: Trends in Access, Affordability, and Ownership. Vancouver: Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives—BC Office. 48 pp.
Longhurst, A., and Cohen, M. (2019). The Importance of Community Health Centres in BC’s Primary Care Reforms: What the Research Tells Us. Vancouver: Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives—BC Office. 9 pp.
Longhurst, A. (2019). How (and how much) doctors are paid: why it matters. Policy Note. Vancouver: Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives—BC Office.
Longhurst, A. (2017). Privatization and Declining Access to BC Seniors’ Care: An Urgent Call for Policy Change. Vancouver: Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives—BC Office. 32 pp.
Longhurst, A., Cohen, M., McGregor, M. (2016). Reducing Surgical Wait Times: The Case for Public Innovation and Provincial Leadership. Vancouver: Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives—BC Office. 56 pp.
Longhurst, A. (2014). Precarious: Temporary Agency Work in British Columbia. Vancouver: Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives—BC Office. 44 pp.
Selected Commentaries and Interviews
Lavergne, R., McCracken, R., Hedden, L., Contandriopoulos, Longhurst, A. (2022, Nov. 16). Increasing doctor pay in BC could help the shortage, but history suggests otherwise. The Globe and Mail.
Dellplain, M. (2022, Oct. 19). The Plan to Stay Open: Relief for our beleaguered health-care system or a move to further privatization? Healthy Debate.
Longhurst, A. (2022, Aug. 29). BC must hold for-profit health clinics accountable. The Tyee.
Daflos, P. (2022, Aug. 24). ‘A nasty issue that has festered’: BC pays almost $400m to private clinics. CTV News Vancouver.
Owen, B. (2022, Jul. 13). Trudeau says Ottawa wants to make sure health spending delivers ‘tangible results’. The Globe and Mail.
Longhurst, A. (2021, Dec. 18). BC needs to get serious about Omicron. The Tyee.
Brown, J., Arya, A., Longhurst, A. (2021, Sep. 15). How can we start to make Canada’s long-term care homes about care, not profit? Policy Options.
Longhurst, A. (2020, Feb. 5). BC needs to significantly boost supply of public assisted living for seniors. The Vancouver Sun.