Evacuation Drills

As per the BC Fire Code, all buildings must conduct annual evacuation drills. These drills provide building occupants an opportunity to practice evacuation procedures and prepare for real emergency scenarios.

Various hazards can lead to an evacuation, including (but not limited to):

  • Hazardous material spill or release
  • Flood
  • Fire
  • Earthquake

If you have questions regarding evacuation procedures at SFU, please contact srs_em@sfu.ca.  

What to expect during an evacuation drill

An evacuation drill is meant to be very similar to how a real evacuation would take place. During an evacuation drill, the alarm will ring to signal the need to evacuate. When you hear the alarm, walk to the nearest exit to make your way to your building’s assembly area.

  • Assembly areas are the safest places to evacuate to on campus. If you are not familiar with SFU's assembly areas, please visit this page.

Once you are at the assembly area, please wait there until campus security tells you that it’s safe to go back inside. In the event of a real evacuation, you may receive instructions from the Fire Department at your assembly area; however, they do not attend drills.

Important: If you have mobility-related challenges, you are encouraged to share this information with your manager/ instructor. They may then choose to make additional arrangements to assist you in the event of an evacuation.


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