Doctoral Degree (Ed.D)

Note: This program is not currently offered.

Educational Leadership – Gestion de la diversité

Student Clientele

The doctoral program in Educational Leadership is designed for both current and future educational leaders working in various organizational settings such as: schools, colleges, universities, training centers, health and community services, social services, government, NGOs, development agencies, cultural organizations.

Program Goals

The goal of the EdD Program in Educational Leadership, with its theme focusing on diversity management, is to offer its graduates high caliber, professional knowledge and training which will enable them to effectively address organizational challenges related to governance in diverse contexts.

The leadership concepts take into consideration the diversity of theoretical perspectives, social and political institutions, social contexts and actors in these social contexts.

Students will study leadership theories and practices and situate them in educational politics.  They will implement applications in their own fields of expertise as leaders and practicians.

More specifically, this program studies the theory and practice pertaining to managing diversity in French minority communities.

The Faculty of Education at Simon Fraser University continues to rely on creating dynamic partnerships with Canadian and international universities, school districts, professional associations, community and governmental organizations to ensure that the next generation of leaders meets the specific education needs of Francophones and Francophiles in Canada.


“Le programme a provoqué en moi un éveil, un questionnement qui m’a mené à porter un regard nouveau sur ma propre pratique en milieu minortitaire francophone. C’est une aventure humaine enrichie par l’esprit de camaraderie de la cohorte et par la grande diversité d’expérience qu’apportent les étudiants et étudiantes.”
- A.Y.

“Le EdD en leadership éducationnel m’offre la liberté d’explorer dans un environnement soutenu et stimulant les enjeux qui me sont importants. En m’appropriant les concepts de leadership, je peux désormais mobiliser mes apprentissages et les mettre au service de l’enseignement du français en Colombie-Britannique.”
- M.T.

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