Political Science, GSWS, Awards

Marjorie Griffen Cohen Honoured With Lifetime Achievement Award

April 15, 2014

Marjorie Griffen Cohen’s name is a familiar by-line in local and national newspapers on topics that range from energy policy, financial stewardship and women’s issues to social justice, globalization and employment.

A professor in the Departments of Political Science and of Gender, Sexuality and Women’s Studies, Cohen has spent much of her career serving as a “public intellectual” who incessantly prods, disturbs and generates public discourse to shift society out of its complacency.

In just the past five years, she has published more than 60 newspaper articles, op-eds and blog entries, and in the past two years provided more than 170 media interviews.

In recognition of her tireless media work, last week she received a 2013 SFU President’s Award for Service to the University through Public Affairs and Media Relations, in the category of Lifetime Achievement.