Community, Research

Dr. Marlene Moretti’s Connect Parent Group wins BC Premier’s Award for Innovation

November 17, 2015

Developed in collaboration with Maples Adolescent Treatment Centre and Simon Fraser University’s Dr. Marlene Moretti, Connect Parent Group was recently awarded the BC Premier’s Award for Innovation by BC Public Services. Focused on promoting healthy social, emotional, and behavioural adjustment in children, Connect© is a group program and research initiative for parents and caregivers of adolescents struggling with behavioural problems and mental health issues. The program combines innovative parental education and “helps caregivers understand basic attachment concepts which can then be applied across a broad range of situations and relational contexts.” According to BC Public Services, the program “addresses a critical gap in services for both parents and caregivers of adolescents with serious behaviour and mental health problems by helping parents respond more effectively to challenges in their relationships with their teen.”