Public Policy, Urban Studies

Urban Studies and Public Policy conference discusses 50 years of regional district model

April 28, 2016

British Columbia is celebrating a golden jubilee of sorts. This year marks the 50th anniversary since the creation of regional district governments like Metro Vancouver.

But the governance model is starting to show its age—and its limitations. Compared to the 28 other regional districts, Metro Vancouver comprises 2.5 million, or 54 per cent, of B.C.’s population. While rural regional districts work to share services across geographically large communities, Metro Vancouver faces significantly different problems concerning density, land use, housing and transportation.

Whether the regional district model still meets the needs of Metro Vancouverites is the question Simon Fraser University’s Urban Studies and School of Public Policy is posing at a conference on Sat. April 30.

The fourth annual Rethinking the Region takes place in New Westminster and brings together government officials, experts, academics and students to discuss the past and future of regional governance.