History, People, Achievements

Faculty Profile: Mark Leier

October 15, 2018

From Graduate Studies...

Dr. Mark Leier came to SFU in 1994 as an Assistant Professor and has been Professor in the Department of History since 2005. This year he receives the Dean’s Award for Excellence in Graduate Supervision because of his exceptional commitment to graduate students, often going well beyond regular supervisory responsibilities.

Since his arrival in the Department of History, Leier has been an asset and has helped shape it into what it is today. “Our graduate program’s past, present and future health and success is linked in large part of Mark’s commitment to graduate supervision,” states Jennifer Spear, Associate Professor and Department Chair.

What sets Leier apart as a supervisor, is his innovative approaches to, and enthusiasm for, motivating his students to success. For example, he is the author of Grad School: An Illustrated Primer, which is based on his manual, Graduate School: Now That You’re Here. In them, he provides humorous and practical advice on how to survive graduate school. Notable topics include paying attention to details in writing (Become a Pedantic Crank), and having a positive attitude (Nobody Likes a Jerk).

Leier also has an impressive record of accomplishment when it comes to mentoring students to completion, guiding students’ work so that they receive prestigious fellowships, awards and employment after graduate school.