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- 2023 Archives
- Scientists dig deep and find a way to accurately predict snowmelt after droughts
- Cracking the Case of Missing Snowmelt After Drought
- 2023 Esri Canada GIS Scholarship for SFU
- Thesis Defence - Congratulations to Daniel Murphy
- Thesis Defence - Congratulations to Kyle Kusack
- Thesis Defence - Congratulations to Matthew Taylor
- Anke Baker Wins Staff Achievement Award
- Spring 2023 Virtual Geospeaker Event with Ginger Gosnell-Myers
- CAG Paper Presentation Award - Congratulations to Alysha van Duynhoven!
- Informing & Engaging Urban Youth on Public Hearings: GEOG 363 Final Showcase
- Research Talk: Modeling Urban Wetland Complexities
- Highlight Paper: Quantifying land carbon cycle feedbacks under negative CO2 emissions
- Bright Addae winner of the 2023 SFU ECCE GIS Scholarship Award
- Thesis Defence - Congratulations to Jonny Cripps
- Thesis Defence - Congratulations to Diandra Oliver
- 2023 Geospeaker Presentation with Dr. Pauline McGuirk
- Congratulations to Our Graduates - October 2023
- Evaluating the impact of educational goals at SFU
- The Belongings of Precariously Housed People - A Report
- Thesis Defence - Congratulations to Takuma Mihara
- Thesis Defence - Congratulations to Adrienne Arbor
- Thesis Defence - Congratulations to Claire Shapton
- 2023 Distinguished Speaker Presentation with Dr. Deb Cowen
- Cheers to Paul Degrace and his well-earned retirement!
- 2024 Archives
- Professor Nicholas Blomley Honored with the Community-Engaged Research Achievement Award
- Graduate Students Claire Shapton and Marina Chavez Honored with the Community-Engaged Graduate Scholar Award
- Applications now open: 2024 ESRI Canada GIS Scholarship for SFU
- Associate Professor Rosemary Collard achieves 13th place on SFU Altmetric List
- The PEAK feature: GSU hosts inaugural RANGE conference
- Gabrielle Wong wins First Prize in 2023 Student Learning Commons Writing Contest
- Gabrielle Wong receives Warren Gill Memorial Award
- Professor Nick Blomley receives Warren Gill Memorial Award for Community Impact
- Geography Student Union recipient of the FENV 2024 Changemaker Awards
- Senior Lecturer Tara Holland reveals the secret sauce of great teaching
- Senior Lecturer Tara Holland Receives SFU 2023 Excellence in Teaching Award
- Thesis Defence - Congratulations to Bright Addae
- GIS undergraduate students participate in the Canada-wide 2024 AppChallenge competition
- Senior Lecturer Andrew Perkins Receives SFU 2024 Dean's Award of Excellence in Teaching
- Congratulations to Alysha van Duynhoven, Canada's 2024 ESRI Young Scholar
- Thesis Defence - Congratulations to Robert Ehlert
- Thesis Defence - Congratulations to Stephan Nieweler
- Eugene McCann writes on "livable cities" in The Tyee
- Tiana Andjelic wins the 2024 SFU ECCE GIS Scholarship Award
- Thesis Defence - Congratulations to Marina Chavez
- Thesis Defence - Congratulations to Mia Fitzpatrick
- Thesis Defence - Congratulations to Lan Qing Zhao
- Thesis Defence - Congratulations to Tyler Cole
- Thesis Defence - Congratulations to Benjamin Lartey
- Thesis Defence - Congratulations to Olivia Nieves
- Thesis Defence - Congratulations to Max Hurson
- Thesis Defence - Congratulations to John Sykes
- Farewell to Robert "Bob" Horsfall, Associate Professor
- Thesis Defence - Congratulations to André Araújo
- SFU Geography welcomes ethnobotanist, Leigh Joseph, as professor of Indigenous geographies
- Physical Geography September: What is Physical Geography?
- Alysha Van Duynhoven communicates award-winning research at international GIS conference
- How Dr. Tracy Brennand’s visionary leadership shaped the Department of Geography - a heartfelt thank-you
- Dr. Tracy Brennand honoured with the Canadian Association of Geographers (CAG) Award
- Thesis Defence - Congratulations to Jay Matsushiba
- Human Geography October: What is Human Geography?
- MA Student Joy Russell featured on CBC Vancouver
- Human Geography October: What is Urban Worlds?
- Ajay Minhas Receives 2024 Warren Gill Award
- Dr. Nadine Schuurman featured in SFU news article on Runnability
- GIS Month: What is Geographic Information Science (GIS)?
- Thesis Defence - Congratulations to Joy Russell
- Perspectives from students using ChatGPT in a large enrollment fully online GIS Course
- Motivations, Habits and Risks of using ChatGPT in the On-Campus Quantitative Geography course
- Thesis Defence - Congratulations to Ian McDonald
- Hallway Screens Slides
- 2023 Archives
- Alumni

Peter Keller
Areas of Interest:
Informed Geographic Decision Making: I am interested in advancing the geographic information sciences to support better planning and decision making. Research projects have advanced analytical capacities and explored applications in areas as diverse as forestry and mining, tourism, public health, preservation of Indigenous knowledge, marine navigation, and building and sustaining communities. Some of my research is highly quantitative, others more qualitative (notably work in community mapping).
Tourism: I have a secondary interest in tourism research with special interest in seeking answers to how communities can self-determine and control tourism industry development to be of economic and social benefit while minimizing impact and harm. I have a special interest in addressing these questions for high latitude tourism, including Canada’s North.
Ocean Stewardship: I am interested in better understanding advocacy for the world’s oceans, especially who the advocates and stewards are, how they collaborate today, and how their voices can be more effectively united and heard.
Geography of Boats and Sailing: I have a passion for sailing and the study of the geography of pleasure boating has been on my radar screen for a long time. There are many interesting spatial questions worthy of exploration. One of these days I will find time to collaborate with others to advance that agenda. Want to come aboard?
Born in Germany and educated in Germany, Ireland and Canada, I joined the University of Victoria in British Columbia in 1985 where I remained until 2016 with the exception of sabbatical leaves in Ireland 1992/3 and New Zealand 1999/00. From 2004 to 2014 I held the appointment as Dean of the University of Victoria’s Faculty of Social Sciences. I continue to hold a Professor Emeritus appointment at the University of Victoria.
I joined Simon Fraser University in 2016 as a Professor of Geography and to take up the appointment of Vice President Academic / Provost which I held until September of 2019. I am currently Special Advisor to the Executive on Academic Planning.
I have been President of the Canadian Cartographic Association, past editor of the flagship journal CARTOGRAPHICA, Chair of Canada’s National Committee to the International Cartographic Association from 1995 to 2003, and for many years was on the Board of the Canadian Institute of Geomatics.

"Insights into ENGO activities in the Salish Sea: A call for more coordination, communication, and potential for communities of practice". Jacob Jones, Peter Keller and Eileen van der Flier Keller, Environmental Science and Policy