Accessible Accommodation

At Residence and Housing, we are dedicated to fostering supportive and inclusive living and learning environments for students. 

Accessible Accommodations for students with specialized housing requirements

Living in residence  

  • Residence is identified as a high density community living environment and it may be difficult to control this environment to the extent that is required to support some students’ needs.
  • Students who submit an Accessibility Accommodation request must understand and acknowledge their responsibility to be self-sufficient, including being able to effectively coordinate their own personal needs while in residence, including accessing campus services. You must be capable of adhering to the Residence Contract and Handbook and meet deadlines.
  • Residence and Housing is unable to provide for every need

Types of Requests and Requirements  

A student may fall within one or a number of these requests for accessibility accommodation:

Priority offer:

  • Example: The student does not meet the first-year guarantee criteria or other housing priority options.
  • We recognize that a housing placement would be by the very nature of its program beneficial and as such:
  • You must include supporting medical documentation from a qualified professional that outlines specific functional limitations associated with the student’s disability or health condition. 
  • The presence of a disability alone is insufficient to qualify for priority offers: a clear and logical link must be identified between the functional limitations and the requirements described in the priority consideration application. Asked to demonstrate how the impairment would make off campus living exceptionally challenging or difficult. You can review a document checklist here. Learn more

Priority room placement or special equipment/ furniture by student

  • You may have a requirement for a specific room type – such as private bathroom; placement in an optional meal plan building; special or additional equipment or furniture; special building placement etc.
  • Requests must include supporting medical documentation from a qualified professional and outline specific functional limitations associated with the disability.

Exception to policy:

  • You may require an emotional support animal (ESA) or a reduced coarse load (residents are required to have a full time or equivalent course load to be eligible for housing)
  • You will need to register with the Centre for Accessible Learning as well as provide supporting medical documentation
  • Note: if you feel that you need an accommodation and do not feel that your situation is outlined here, please contact us at with Subject: Accessibility Request

Requirements for requests (Types 1, 2 and 3)  

Prior to submitting request, review the requirements:

  • Applications must clearly describe the student’s (or dependants) daily functional requirements in relation to the disability
  • There must be a clear statement outlining why their daily functional requirements cannot be met in off-campus housing, or why they require a specific type of on-campus housing.
  • After the initial review if documentation is requested, there will be a type or standard indicated in terms of the qualified professional with credentials to diagnose and prescribe treatment.( See CAL documentation checklist
  • Medical documentation must include specific functional limitations associated with the student’s disability or health condition. A clear and logical link must be identified between the functional limitations and the requirements described in the priority consideration application.
  • Students are not required to disclose their diagnosis, but may do so if they wish.

How to apply

Priority Housing Access:

  • If you do not qualify for the direct entry from high school guarantee or other priority access criteria, there is a step in the application process for this Specialized Housing Accessibility Accommodation.

Room placement / Policy Exception 

  • Indicate what accommodation needs you are seeking on the housing portal (either during the application process or in 'My Room' if you are already a resident
  • SFU students complete the 'Application for Services' form and connect with the Centre for Accessible Learning (CAL) for your documentation (must be admitted to SFU to complete this step)
  • FIC students should connect with their advisor    
  • Submit your documentation for review  

If you are not able to access this step or form in your applications, please email for assistance.

Deadlines for Applications

  • Submit as early as possible in your application process for the best chance to meet the need for upcoming term applications. Depending on time of application submission and availability, you may be wait listed.
  • May 1 for Fall
  • October 1 for Spring
  • February 1 for Summer
  • Ongoing for students in room – may be wait listed for a room type.

Accessibility Consideration Process

A student with a permanent disability or persistent/ prolonged disability may have specialized housing requirements or may be eligible for priority consideration.

  • Download the initial form indicated the type / types of accommodation requested through the Housing Portal process
  • You will be contacted to submit any required documentation (as applicable)
  • The Housing Accessibility Accommodation Team will review submissions and documentation for Priority Offer requests; CAL will review all other accessibility need requests
  • The outcome will be sent by email to the student

Getting your offer: Accessibility request versus standard housing offers

You may receive an offer for housing through the standard process before your accessibility request has been reviewed.

  • You may choose to accept this offer and if your accessibility request is approved, you will be notified and your room assignment will be adjusted. Note that if your request is not approved then any cancellation of this offer would result in cancellation and termination fees as per your contract.
  • You may choose not to accept the standard offer. If your request is approved, you will be notified and a new offer will be sent to you. If your request is not approved, your previous offer will not be reinstated and you will need to reapply. Your new application will be based on that application complete date.