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Dr. Claire Peacock is a SSHRC Postdoctoral Fellow at Simon Fraser University and the University of Laval. Prior to that, she completed her D.Phil. in International Relations at the University of Oxford in 2018.
Claire's research broadly focuses on understanding the rationales behind and the design and outcomes associated with international cooperation, ranging from regulatory cooperation to treaty making. She is currently leading a SSHRC Insight Development Grant-funded research project on when and why states retreat from international environmental agreements and on the design of withdrawal provisions in international environmental agreements. Claire's dissertation research used new data to explore why states include labour and human rights regulation in international trade agreements.
Beyond these projects, Claire is also interested in identifying the most effective uses of informal institutions, such as the G7. Claire was a member of the 2018 Think 7 advisory group convened prior to the 2018 G7 Summit in Charlevoix and co-led the resulting research paper "How Informality Can Address Emerging Issues: Making the Most of the G7," published in Global Policy. She was also a member of the 2019 Think Tank 7 Summit in in Paris, France.
Claire's work often applies data science methods to international relations data and she works in R and Python. She enjoys teaching IR students the fundamentals of working with data and about evidence-based decision making and research.
Published Research:
Peacock C., Milewicz K., Snidal D. "Boilerplate in International Trade Agreements. International Studies Quarterly." 2019. https://doi.org/10.1093/isq/sqz069
Milewicz, K., Hollway J., Peacock C., and Snidal D. “Beyond Trade: The Expanding Scope of the Non-Trade Agenda in Trade Agreements.” Journal of Conflict Resolution 62, no. 4 (2018): 743–773.
Morin, J.F.; Dobson, H., Peacock, C., Prys, M., et. al. "How Informality can Address Emerging Issues: Making the most of the G7." Global Policy. (2019). doi: 10.1111/1758-5899.12668
Book Review: “Bounded Rationality and Economic Diplomacy: The politics of investment treaties in developing countries.” By Lauge N. Skovgaard Poulsen. International Affairs 92, no. 3, (2016): 731-732.
Current Working Papers:
Peacock, C. “Symbolic Regulation: Human Rights Provisions in Preferential Trade Agreements.” Regulation and Governance. (Revise and Resubmit)
Morin, J.F., Tremblay-Auger, B., and Peacock, C. “Treaty Design under Power Asymmetry: Trading Pooling for Flexibility.”
Peacock, C and Morin, J.F. “(How) Do Withdrawal Provisions affect Membership in Multilateral Environmental Agreements?”
Peacock, C, Morin, J.F. and Fournier, Veronique. “Withdrawing from Common Goods: Withdrawal Provisions in Multilateral Environmental Agreements”