Traffic notices

Watch for equipment and construction crews at the areas listed below and always obey signs, traffic controls, and traffic control personnel. Please remember that speed limits are lower in construction zones.

For questions regarding traffic notices, please contact Mike Spencer at

Feb 19th Arts Road & East Campus Road Temporary Roadway Interruption


February 19, 2025

7:00am - 5:00pm


At the southwest corner where Arts Road and East Campus Road intersect.

* Refer to map above

Work to be completed:

Roadside inground maintenance work will be completed.

Expected interruptions:

1. Single lane alternating traffic can be expected at the east end of Arts Road.

2. The bus drop-off bay along East Campus Road may be closed with passengers being dropped off within the bus loop.

3. Pedestrians will be detoured around the work site.

4. Cyclists will be detoured with traffic.

5. Pedestrians will be detoured around work sites. Traffic control persons will be on site to assist.

7. Minimal traffic delays can be expected.  


Transit bus routing and schedule is not anticipated to be impacted by the above.

Watch for road closure, signs, equipment, construction vehicles, crew and traffic control personnel working in the areas outlined above and please watch for pedestrians and cyclists when travelling in the area.

Sept 2024 - February 2025 West Campus Road and Residence Parking Lot Temporary Interruptions

UPDATE (12 Feb 2025) Related construction activity for ground clearing efforts will see single lane alternating traffic along University Drive West and West Campus. This will involve the intersection traffic light being off. Your attention to traffic control person direction/instruction will be required when driving, walking or cycling through the area.



September 2024 - February 2025


University Drive West, West Campus Road, the Student Residence Main Parking lot and, the service lane between the Dining Commons and Childcare Centre

* Refer to map above

Work to be completed:

Infrastructure work will be completed for upcoming building construction (Residence Phase 3)

Work will involve trenching along West Campus Road, through the Residence Main Parking lot and and into the laneway between the Dining Commons and Childcare Centre

Expected interruptions:

1. Single lane alternating traffic can be expected along West Campus Road and within the Residence Main Parking lot.

2. Sections of the Residence Main Parking lot will be closed during work activity.

3. Traffic pattern changes within the Residence Main Parking lot can be expected.

4. Cyclists will be detoured with traffic.

5. Pedestrians will be detoured around work sites. Traffic control persons will be on site to assist.

6. The traffic lights at the intersection of University Drive West and West Campus Road will not be in operation at times during the day while some of the work on West Campus Road at University Drive West is underway. Traffic control will be in place during these periods.

7. Traffic line ups and delays can be expected along University Drive West, West Campus Road and, to and from the Residence Main Parking lot.  


1. Transit bus routing and schedule is not anticipated to be impacted by the above.

2. To avoid delays, motorists may want to consider using alternate routing, such as Gaglardi Way and University Drive East.

Watch for road closure, signs, equipment, construction vehicles, crew and traffic control personnel working in the areas outlined above and please watch for pedestrians and cyclists when travelling in the area.

Sep 2024 - Feb 2025 Arts Road Temporary Roadway and Walkway Interruption


September 2024 - February 2025


The section of Arts Road between University Drive East and the vicinity of Strand Hall receiving lane. 

* Refer to the map

Work to be completed:

Roadside curb work and pedestrian path upgrades.

Expected interruptions:

1. The southbound traffic lane will be closed between University Drive East and the vicinity of Strand Hall receiving lane. The southbound traffic lane will be closed using fencing.

2. The sidewalk will be closed. A delineated pedestrian detour route around the fencing will be in place.

3. Vehicles enroute along University Drive East to the North Parking lot will be detoured to enter the parking lot from East Campus Road.

4. Vehicles departing the North Parking lot west side will be directed to turn right (northbound) only.

5. Delivery vehicles, service vehicles, and other destined for Strand Hall receiving lane will be detoured to use the section of Arts Road at East Campus Road.  


1. The northbound traffic lane on Arts Road will be kept open for northbound traffic only.

2. Transit bus routing and schedule is not anticipated to be impacted by the above.

Watch for road closure, signs, equipment, crew and traffic control personnel working in the areas outlined above and please watch for pedestrians and cyclists when travelling in the area.

March 2023 - Fall 2024 University Drive East Roadway Interruption

UPDATE (7 February 2025)

The main building construction activity and traffic light installation work is mostly complete. Road marking work along Univerity Drive East will be completed as weather conditions allow. Temporary traffic pattern changes and delays can be anticipated when the road work is completed.


March 2023 - Fall 2024


University Drive East, between Tower Road and Nelson Way. 

Refer to the map.

Work to be completed:

Construction of Burnaby Fire Department Fire Hall 8. 

Expected interruptions:

1. The westbound right traffic lane will be closed during the project period to accommodate construction vehicles, equipment and related activity. The center westbound lane will remain open to traffic.

2. The Multi-Use Path (MUP) will be temporarily closed at times to accommodate construction activity. Pedestrians will be detoured during temporary closures of the MUP.


Watch for equipment, construction vehicles and crew working in the area.

Watch for temporary construction signs and flag person pedestrian & traffic control during the day when work activity is in progress.

For further information visit