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- The Winter Workshop Series
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- SFU BREATHE x SFU CERi Train the Trainer Workshop
Past Events
- 2025
- 2024
- Walk With Me: Story Walk and Sharing Circle
- Community-Engaged Climate Research Idea Jam
- Where Do We Go From Here? Mapping Climate Justice Frontlines
- Graduate Research Conversation on Journalism and Democracy in Non-Western Contexts, with Bruce Mutsvairo, Utrecht University
- Community Event: The Struggle for Democracy
- Digital Democracy and Identity Transformations
- Participedia-CERi Summer School
- The Tenant Class: a talk and Q&A with author Ricardo Tranjan
- Restorative Justice and Democracy in Education
- From Ideas to Impact: Opportunities for Community-Engaged Research in FASS
- What is the responsibility of Canadian media in the climate emergency?
- How can we do Community-Engaged Research well during a Health Crisis?
- 2022
- 2021
- 2020
- Archive
Events Archive 2023
April 27, 2023
April 27, 2023
In this Walk, the team shares stories from Campbell River, and Comox Valley communities. Following the walk, attendees are invited to participate in a Cultural Mapping and sharing circle. Free copies of the report will be available.
May 17, 2023
May 17, 2023
This 'idea jam' brings together researchers and community organizations to explore the potential of community-engaged climate research by brainstorming specific ideas related to research collaborations, partnerships, interdisciplinary alignments and future projects.
May 17, 2023
May 17, 2023
Join us for a discussion among the Climate Justice Study Collective, a group of community leaders, organizers, youth activists, and Indigenous Elders from the Greater Vancouver area who have shared their thinking on these questions over the past five months.
May 18, 2023
May 18, 2023
Meeting dates included May 18 and 25, 4-6 pm Pacific time (On-line via Zoom) and June 4-10, 9-5 pm (In-person). The Summer School was hosted by Simon Fraser University in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. The summer school was a 5-credit program open to all qualified graduate students and a limited number of qualifying undergraduates, with a non-credit option for community leaders, participatory and deliberative democracy practitioners, and postdocs from Simon Fraser University and beyond. The theme of the Participedia Summer School 2023 was Radical Democracy.
June 07, 2023
June 07, 2023
Join us on June 7th for an engaging Graduate Research Conversation on Journalism and Democracy in Non-Western Contexts, featuring the renowned scholar Bruce Mutsvairo from Utrecht University.
June 07, 2023
June 07, 2023
Building on the themes of the Participedia Summer School, this gathering of engaged scholars will explore the theory and practice of radical democracy through the lenses of power, disruption, care, creativity, the commons and new forms of democratic agency. Together, they will share stories about the impacts of radical democratic agency that address matters of concern such as inequality, Indigenous rights, racism, health crisis (including the drug poisoning crisis), and social isolation. They will consider the actions - small and large - taken in universities, communities and governments to strengthen democratic participation.
June 08, 2024
June 08, 2024
This conversation between Hans Asenbaum and Bruce Mutsvairo reflects on many themes of the Participedia Digital Democracy cluster and invites participants into a discussion on some of the most pressing issues of our time.
September 26, 2023
September 26, 2023
Join us for a talk and Q&A with political economist Ricardo Tranjan, author of the new book The Tenant Class.
November 02, 2023
November 02, 2023
Join us for a community gathering to connect and reflect on the practice of restorative justice and democracy in education and to celebrate recent publications Restorative Justice in Education: Liberating Student’s Voices through Relational Pedagogy by Dr. Crystena Parker-Shandal and The Unbounded Classroom: Democratic Teaching, Learning and Research by co-authors Dr. Brenda Morrison and Dr. Joanna Ashworth, and to hear about the community-driven work from Restorative Justice Association of BC’s Executive Director, Christianne Paras. This gathering will invite restorative justice practitioners, educators, academics, community members, and students to explore and discuss the practice and possibilities of restorative justice in education - in K-12 schools, higher education, and the community.
November 02, 2023
November 02, 2023
Join SFU CERi, Mitacs and SFU Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences (FASS) for an informal workshop that delves into the world of community-engaged research.
November 22, 2023
November 22, 2023
Join us for the launch of Quiet Alarm: A Review of CBC's Climate Reporting and an engaging discussion with leading thinkers and practitioners on the role of Canadian media organizations in the climate emergency.
November 23, 2023
November 23, 2023
Join us for the launch of CER during Health Crises and an engaging conversation about doing research well at a time when this work can be most challenging.