Working with community
- Incorporating community: Opportunities and challenges in community-engaged research (2019). Kantamneni, A., Winkler, R. L., & Calvert, K.
- The power and the promise: Working with communities to analyse data, interpret findings, and get to the outcomes (2008). Cashman, S., Corburn, J., Adeky, S. & Allen, A. J.
- Gathered Together: Listening to Musqueam Lived Experiences (2016). Wilson, J.
- We’re giving you something so we get something in return: Perspectives on research participation and compensation among people living with HIV who use drugs. (2017). Collins, et. al.
- Using a CBPR Approach to Develop an Interviewer Training Manual with members of the Apsaalooke Nation (2012) pp 225-249. Christopher, Suzanne, Linda Burhanstipanov, Alma Knows His Gun McCormick, and Vanessa Watts Simonds.
- CBPR in a heavily researched inner city neighbourhood: Perspectives of people who use drugs on their experiences as peer researchers (2017). Damon, W., Wiebe, L., Small, W., Kerr, T., & McNeil, R.
- We’re Over-Researched Here! Exploring Accounts of Research Fatigue within Qualitative Research Engagements (2008). Clark, T.
- Community-based research in the downtown eastside of Vancouver (2008). Boyd, S.C.