EASC Seminar Series

Seminars are open to the general public and are offered in-person and online.  If you'd like to attend any of the "Online" events, please contact the EASC Graduate Secretary (eascgsec@sfu.ca) for information on how to join.

The Earth Sciences' Department hosts an ongoing seminar series in the Spring (Jan-Apr) and Fall (Sept-Dec) semesters of each year. Speakers for the Fall EASC Seminar Series are nearly set. All talks, unless otherwise noted, are on Thursdays from 2:30-3:30 p.m at SSB 7172 as well as Online via Zoom.

If you are interested in giving a presentation to the department, please contact Dr. Shahin Dashtgard.

Spring 2025 Series

Date / Location
Speaker / Title

Jan. 15 

Grant Ferguson
University of Saskatchewan /
2025 NGWA Darcy Lecturer

"Deep Groundwater and Deep Time"

Feb. 6

Victoria Arbour
Royal BC Museum

"Dinosaurs of the Sustut Basin and Peace Region in northern British Columbia"

Friday, Feb. 28 at 11am (online only)

Ali Polat
University of Windsor /
Howard Street Lecture Tour

"The Mechanism of Archean Continental Growth: Evidence from Field Relationships, and Volcanic Rock and TTG Geochemistry"

Mar. 13

Suzanne Carbotte
Columbia University

"Where are the great earthquake rupture asperities at Cascadia? New findings from marine seismic imaging of the Cascadia Subduction Zone"

Mar. 27

"EASC Graduate Research Day"
Research Seminars and Poster Session