Computer Lab

Undergraduate Remote Access

Step 0:

Ensure you are joining the computer lab at your assigned time. Outside of scheduled lab times, the computer lab is open to all.

A full schedule of the computer lab can be found here.

Step 1:

Open the computer lab dashboard.

Step 2:

  1. Navigate to 'Virtual Labs SFU Academic'
  2. Click our computer lab section :  'EASC-7006'
  3. Click on the icon of the machine you wish to access.
  4. Important: Remember the computer name for a later step, i.e., easc-7006-03

Step 3:

Login via CAS and MFA to access Guacmole at

MFA enrollment is required for this service. Set up MFA  →

Step 4:

Find the computer you selected in step 2, by

  • Option 1 (preffered): using the Search filter
  • Option 2: browsing by Faculty/Campus > LabName

Step 5:

Sign in using:

  • your SFU computingID and password, and 
  • domin: ADSFU

Staff, Faculty and Graduate Students

SFU faculty, staff and graduate students are able to remotely connect to on-campus managed Windows computers by using SFU's Virtual Private Network and Microsoft's Remote Desktop Protocol.

This is a convenient way to:

  • Remotely log in to on-campus managed Windows computers from a Mac or PC.
  • Access software and files from office workstations.
  • Connect with other on-campus resources (such as shared-drives and printers).



The Guacamole menu is a sidebar which is hidden until explicitly shown. On a desktop or other device which has a hardware keyboard, you can show this menu by pressing Ctrl+Alt+Shift. 


At the top of the Guacamole menu is a text area labeled "clipboard" along with some basic instructions.


You can transfer files back and forth between your local computer and the remote desktop for SSH connections.

Files can be transferred to the remote computer by dragging and dropping the files into your browser window, or through using the file browser located in the Guacamole menu.  You can show this menu by pressing Ctrl+Alt+Shift.   Use the option for "Upload File."

RDP connections to windows or linux system will need to use other means such as Vault or Office 365 cloud drives.