Academic publications by our graduate students

This list includes only research which was started or completed while being an MA or PhD student at SFU. The students’ names are underlined.

2023 - 2024

Diao, Liang and Huiqian Song, 2024. "Does improved tenure security reduce fires? Evidence from the Greece land registry", Journal of Environmental Economics and Management, Vol 127.

Karaivanov, Alexander, and Shayan Zarifian, 2024. "Economic determinants of Ethereum transaction fees in the priority fee and proof of stake periods", Applied Economics, 1(19)

2022 - 2023

Higa, Minoru, Carlos Ospino & Fernando Aragon, 2022. "The persistent effects of COVID-19 on labour outcomes: evidence from Peru", Applied Economics Letters10.1080/13504851.2022.2036319

2019 - 2021

Donmez, Anil and Alexander Karaivanov, 2021. "Transaction Fee Economics in the Ethereum Blockchain", Economic Inquiry 13025,

Karaivanov, Alexander and Tenzin Yindok, 2021. "Involuntary Entrepreneurship - Evidence from Thai Urban Data", World Development 149: 105706,

Karaivanov, Alexander, Shih En Lu, Hitoshi Shigeoka, Cong Chen and Stephanie Pamplona, 2021. "Face Masks, Public Policies and Slowing the Spread of COVID-19: Evidence from Canada", Journal of Health Economics 78: 102475,

Sun, Xiaolin, and Bertille Antoine, 2021. "Partially Linear Models with Endogeneity: a conditional moment based approach", The Econometrics Journal.

Hetalo, Stanislav, Yevdokimov, Yuri, and Yuliya Burina, 2021. "Econometric evaluation of large weather events due to climate change: floods in Atlantic Canada", International Journal of Global Energy Issues, 43(2/3).

Yindok, Tenzin, 2021. "Entrepreneurship during an Economic Crisis: Evidence from Rural Thailand",  Economic Development and Cultural Change, 69(3): 1071-1113.

Akbari, Mahsa, Duman Bahrami-Rad, Erik Kimbrough, Pedro Romero, and Sadegh Alhosseini 2020. "An Experimental Study of Kin and Ethnic Favoritism", Economic Inquiry, 58 (4).

Djeutem, Edouard and Pierre Nguimkeu, 2020. “Robust learning in the foreign exchange market”, The B.E. Journal of Macroeconomics 20(1).

Kimbrough, Erik, Kevin Laughren, and Roman Sheremeta, 2020. “War and Conflict in Economics: Theories Applications and Recent Trends”. Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization 178: 998-1013.

Lei, Xiaowen, Dong Lu and Kenneth Kasa, 2020. “Wait and See or Fear of Floating”, Macroeconomic Dynamics 1-52. https://doi:10.1017/S1365100520000383

Mokhtarzadeh, Fatemeh and Luba Petersen, 2020. “Coordinating expectations through central bank projections”. Experimental Economics.

Zhou, Shiqu 2020, Dynamic incentives in microfinance with commitment‐type borrower, Canadian Journal of Economics, 53(3),

Akbari, Mahsa, Duman Bahrami-Rad and Erik Kimbrough, 2019. "Kinship, Fractionalization and Corruption", Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 166: 493-528.

Arifovic, Jasmina, Joshua Boitnott, John Duffy, 2019. “Learning correlated equilibria: An evolutionary approach”, Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization 157:171-190.

Chen, Xianjuan, 2019. “Born like China, Growing like China”, Pacific Economic Review 24(2): 325-347.

Lei, Xiaowen, 2019. “Information and Inequality”, Journal of Economic Theory 184 (104937).

Lei, Xiaowen and Michael Tseng, 2019. “Wait-and-See Monetary Policy”. Macroeconomic Dynamics, 23(5), 1793-1814. https://doi:10.1017/S1365100517000451

Schulz, Jonathan, Duman Bahrami-Rad, Jonathan Beauchamp, Joseph Henrich, 2019. “The Church, intensive kinship, and global psychological variation”, Science 366(6466), eaau5141; https://doi:10.1126/science.aau5141

2016 - 2018

Arifovic, Jasmina and Giuseppe Danese, 2018. “Homophily and Social Norms in Experimental Network Formation Games”, Games 9(4): 83.

Boichev, Georgi, 2018. “Does global titling sustain informal taxation? Evidence from Ecuadorian urban slums”, Environment and Development Economics 23(6):721-736.

Freeman, David, Erik Kimbrough, Garrett Petersen and Hanh Tong, 2018.  Instructions. Journal of the Economic Science Association, 4: 165–179,

Kasa, Kenneth and Xiaowen Lei, 2018. "Risk, uncertainty, and the dynamics of inequality," Journal of Monetary Economics, 94(C), 60-78.

Battisti, Michele, 2017. “High Wage Workers and High Wage Peers”, Labour Economics 46: 47-63.

Dow, Gregory and Leanna Mitchell and Clyde Reed, 2017. “The Economics of Early Warfare Over Land”. Journal of Development Economics. 127.

Kimbrough, Erik, Nikolaus Robalino and Arthur Robson, 2017. “Applying “Theory of mind”: Theory and experiments”, Games and Economic Behavior 106, 209-226,

Li, Meiyu and Ramazan Gençay, 2017. “Tests for serial correlation of unknown form in dynamic least squares regression with wavelets”, Economics Letters 155:104-110.

Mahmoodzadeh, Soheil and Ramazan Gençay, 2017. “Human vs. high-frequency traders, penny jumping, and tick size”, Journal of Banking & Finance 85:69-82.

Riahi, Ideen, 2017. “Colonialism & Genetics of Comparative Development”. Economics and Human Biology.

Battisti, Michele, 2016. “Individual Wage Growth: the Role of Industry Experience”, Industrial Relations Vol. 55(1), 40-70.

Li, Meiyu, Ramazan Gençay and Yi Xue, 2016. “Is it Brownian or fractional Brownian motion?”, Economics Letters 145:52-55.

Robalino, Nikolaus, and Arthur Robson, 2016. "The Evolution of Strategic Sophistication." American Economic Review, 106 (4): 1046-72.

2013 - 2015

Arifovic, Jasmina, B. Curtis Eaton, Graeme Walker, 2015. “The coevolution of beliefs and networks”, Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization 120:46-63.

Gençay, Ramazan, Daniele Signori, Yi Xue, Xiao Yu and Keyi Zhang, 2015. “Economic links and credit spreads”, Journal of Banking & Finance 55:157-169.

Javdani, Mohsen, 2015. “Noise or News? Learning About the Content of Test-Based School Achievement Measures,” B.E. Journal of Economic Analysis & Policy, 15(3): 1417-1453.

Javdani, Mohsen, 2015.  “Glass Ceilings or Glass Doors? The Role of Firms in Male-Female Wage Disparities,” Canadian Journal of Economics, 48(2): 529-560.

Signori, Daniele and Ramazan Gencay, 2015. “Multi-scale tests for serial correlation”, Journal of Econometrics 184(1):62-80.

Wang, Xuefei, Yu Benjamin Fu, Zhe George Zhang, 2015. “Population growth and the environmental Kuznets curve”, China Economic Review 36:146-165.

Javdani, Mohsen and Krishna Pendakur, 2014. “Fiscal Transfers to Immigrants in Canada,” Journal of International Migration and Integration, 15(4):777-797.

Battisti, Michele, Jane Friesen and Brian Krauth, 2014. “English as a Second Dialect Policy and Achievement of Aboriginal Students in British Columbia”, Canadian Public Policy 40(2), 182-192.

Djeutem, Edouard 2014, “Model uncertainty and the Forward Premium Puzzle”, Journal of International Money and Finance 46:16-40.

Dong, Mei and Janet Huang, 2014. “Money and price posting under private information”, Journal of Economic Theory 150:740-777.

Nguimkeu, Pierre, 2014. “A Structural Econometric Analysis of the Informal Sector Heterogeneity“, Journal of Development Economics 107, 175-191.

Nguimkeu, Pierre and Pascal Lavergne, 2014. “Uniform-in-Bandwidth Tests of Specification for Conditional Moment Restrictions Models”, in Econometric Methods and Their Applications in Finance, Macro and Related Fields, K. Haddri and W. Mikhail (eds), World Scientific Publisher & Imperial College Press, 223-241.

Wang, Xuefei, 2014. “The Effect of Parental Migration on the Educational Attainment of Their Left-Behind Children in Rural China”, B.E. Journal of Economic Analysis & Policy 14(3):1037-1080.

Xue, Yi, Ramazan Gençay and Stephen Fagan, 2014. “Jump detection with wavelets for high-frequency financial time series”, Quantitative Finance 14(8):1427-44.

Allen, Douglas and Vera Lantinova, 2013. The Ancient Olympics As a Signal of City-State Strength” Economics of Governance 14(1), 23–44.

Arifovic, Jasmina, James Bullard, Olena Kostyshyna, 2013. “Social Learning and Monetary Policy Rules”, Economic Journal 123(567):38-76.

Arifovic, Jasmina, Janet Hua Jiang, Yiping Xu, 2013. “Experimental evidence of bank runs as pure coordination failures”, Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control 37(12):2446-2465.

Djeutem, Edouard and Kenneth Kasa, 2013. “Robustness and exchange rate volatility”, Journal of International Economics 91(1): 27-39.

Robalino, Nikolaus and Arthur Robson, 2013. “Genes, Culture, and Preferences”. Biological Theory 8, 151–157,

2010 - 2012

Arifovic Jasmina and Michael Maschek, 2012. “Currency crisis: Evolution of beliefs and policy experiments”, Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization 82(1):131-150.

Battisti, Michele, Jane Friesen and Ross Hickey, 2012. “How Student Disability Classifications and Learning Outcomes Respond to Special Education Funding Rules: Evidence from British Columbia”, Canadian Public Policy, 38(2): 147-166.

Chen, Bo and David Jacks, 2012. “Trade, Variety and Immigration.” Economics Letters 117, 243-246.

Friesen, Jane, Mohsen Javdani, Justin Smith and Simon Woodcock, 2012. “How do School ‘Report Cards’ Affect School Choice Decisions?” Canadian Journal of Economics 45(2), 2012: 784-807.

Friesen, Jane, Jasmina Arifovic, Stephen C. Wright, Andreas Ludwig, Lisa Giamo and Gamze Baray, 2012. “Ethnic identity and discrimination among children”, Journal of Economic Psychology 33: 1156-1169.

Robalino, Nikolaus, and Arthur Robson, 2012. “The economic approach to 'theory of mind'.” Philosophical transactions of the Royal Society of London. Series B, Biological sciences vol. 367(1599): 2224-33.

Xue, Yi and Ramazan Gençay, 2012. “Hierarchical information and the rate of information diffusion”, Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, 36(9): 1372-1401,

Xue, Yi and Ramazan Gençay, 2012. “Trading frequency and volatility clustering”, Journal of Banking & Finance, 36(3), p. 760-773,

Battisti, Michele, Mark Campbell, Jane Friesen and Brian Krauth, 2011. “Non-Standard English Dialects and the Effect of Supplementary Funding on Educational Achievement” Canadian Journal of Speech-Language Pathology and Audiology 35(2), 190-197.

Xia, Bianjun, 2011. "A simple explanation of some key time preference anomalies," Canadian Journal of Economics, vol. 44(2), pages 695-708.

Nguimkeu, Pierre and Marie Rekkas, 2011. “Third-order Inference for Autocorrelation in Nonlinear Regression Models”, Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference 141, 3413-3425.

Dong, Mei, 2010. “Inflation and Variety”, International Economic Review 51(2):401-420.

Dong, Mei and Janet Huang, 2010. “One or two monies?”, Journal of Monetary Economics 57(4):439-450.

Xia, Bianjun, 2010. "Status, Inequality and Intertemporal Choice" The B.E. Journal of Theoretical Economics, vol. 10, no. 1,

Arifovic, Jasmina and Michael K. Maschek, 2006. “Revisiting Individual Evolutionary Learning in the Cobweb Model – An Illustration of the Virtual Spite-Effect”, Computational Economics 28(4):333-354.

2000 and earlier

Easton, S., C. Reed and W. Gibson, 1988. "Tariffs and Growth: The Dales' Hypothesis", Explorations in Economic History 25 (1988): 147-163.

Busche, K. and S. Easton, 1984. Focus on Worldwide Inflation, Fraser Institute, pp. 46

Callier, P., S. Easton and H. Grubel, 1977. "Nominal and Real Yields on International Reserve Assets, 1952-1974", Kyklos Vol. 30, Fasc. 4: 637-656.