ECON 105

Principles of Macroeconomics ECON 103 (4)

The principal elements of theory concerning money and income, distribution, social accounts, public finance, international trade, comparative systems, and development and growth. Students with credit for ECON 205 cannot take ECON 105 for further credit. Quantitative/Breadth-Soc. 

*Note: I = skill to be introduced in the course, D = skill to be further developed 

For 100 level courses, all skills are I (Introductory). 

Analyze and Interpret economic models

Solve and interpret standard models of consumer behavior

  • State and explain the Law of Demand
  • Explain the role of constraints and opportunity cost in consumer choices

Solve and interpret standard models of market interaction

  • Calculate and interpret real and nominal interest rates
  • Calculate and interpret the growth rate of total factor productivity (Solow residual)
  • Describe the characteristics of monetary assets (i.e., what makes money money)
  • Describe the quantity theory of money, its implications, and whether it fits the evidence
  • Describe the theory of purchasing power parity, its implications, and whether it fits the evidence
  • Explain the implications of diminishing vs. constant returns to capital for long-run growth
  • Use a one-period macroeconomic model to predict the response of macroeconomic variables to economic conditions and policy actions
  • Use supply and demand (liquidity preference?) to describe the relationship between the money supply and interest rates
  • Use supply and demand to identify the determinants of exchange rates
  • Write and interpret the neoclassical aggregate production function
  • Calculate and interpret the effect of government fiscal policy on deficits, debt, national savings, and investment
  • Calculate growth rates from levels, and levels from growth rates
  • Describe the leading explanations for observed cross-country and time-series patterns in long-run growth
  • Distinguish between the short run and the long run
  • Identify automatic stabilizers
  • Identify the potential costs of inflation, deflation, and disinflation
  • Use supply and demand (labour market) to identify the determinants of employment and/or unemployment
  • Use supply and demand (loanable funds) to identify the determinants of interest rates, savings, and investment

Analyze and Interpret economic data

Interpret key economic data

  • Calculate and interpret real and nominal exchange rates
  • Calculate and interpret the unemployment rate and labour force participation rate
  • Calculate real and nominal GDP and their expenditure components in a simple economy
  • Calculate the CPI, GDP deflator, and inflation rate in a simple economy
  • Describe concepts, methodology and limitations in the main macroeconomic statistics
  • Relate the production, expenditure and income approaches to calculating GDP

Critically assess economic arguments, assumptions, and evidence

Discuss the role of theory, evidence, and measurement in economic analysis

  • Describe the scientific method and its role in economics

Critically evaluate assumptions in economic/econometric models

  • Explain the role of assumptions in economic models
  • Understand limited role of GDP as a measure of production (versus wealth, versus welfare)

Compare and critically evaluate economic arguments

  • Define the "natural rate of employment" and assess its relevance to the macroeconomy
  • Distinguish between different explanations for unemployment

Use oral, written, and graphical methods to communicate economic insights

Formulate written economic arguments evaluating or supporting a position

  • Write a brief paragraph (e.g., on an exam) that explains or applies economic concepts

Use economic concepts to understand real-world human activity and public policy

Apply economics to everyday situations

  • Analyze the equilibrium effects of government interventions (taxes, subsidies, regulation)
  • Intepret a real-world situation using the concepts of scarcity, substitution, opportunity cost, and equilibrium
  • Describe the incentives facing participants in a real-world situation
  • Predict the economy's response to changes in market conditions                

Use economics to evaluate specific policies

  • Discuss the arguments for and against active stabilization policy
  • Discuss the arguments for fixed versus flexible exchange rates
  • Discuss the arguments for monetary versus fiscal policy
  • Explain the zero lower bound problem and the use of unconventional monetary instruments
  • Identify exchange rate policy choices and evaluate their consequences
  • Identify fiscal policy choices and evaluate their consequences
  • Identify monetary policy choices and evaluate their consequences
  • Evaluate policies and factors that influence long-run growth
  • Identify regulatory (bank and financial market) policy choices and evaluate their consequences

Evaluate current events using tools of economics

  • Evaluate current events as they relate to the general course content

Describe and analyze important economic institutions, events, and results

Describe important institutions in the economy and their roles

  • Describe the characteristics of a bank run and the potential role of the lender of last resort

Describe important events in economic history and their current relevance

  • Describe and explain key aspects of the gold standard, Great Depression, 1970's inflation episode, and 2008 financial crisis
  • Describe important cross-country patterns in long-run growth
  • Describe important patterns and events in Canada's main macroeconomic time series
* ECON 105 Educational Goals.pdf
ECON 105 Educational Goals