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Associate professor awarded grant to support research investigating the role of women as agents and innovators of arts, science, and technology
School of Interactive Arts & Technology (SIAT) associate professor Gabriela Aceves-Sepulveda was recently awarded a Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC) Insight Grant to support her research.
Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC) Insight Grants support research in social sciences and humanities that is intended to deepen, widen and increase our collective understanding of individuals and societies, as well as to inform the search for solutions to societal challenges. The $182,185 grant was awarded to Aceves-Sepulveda to support a new and innovative research project titled "Women Artists in the Americas: Art, Science and Technology after 1960s."
Learn more about the research project:
Women Artists in the Americas: Art, Science and Technology after 1960s
"Women Artists in the Americas: Art, Science and Technology after the 1960s" investigates the significant role of women artists, curators, and archivists (ACA) as agents and innovators of arts, science, and technology from the 1960s onwards.
Based on personal collections, artists, and institutional archives across the American continent, this project seeks to reveal how women ACAs have performed different roles and, in doing so, have challenged the gendering of science and technology as a masculine sphere of action and contributed to its development through the arts.
This study interrogates "women" as a category through an intersectional lens, not as a fixed gender or sexual identity. It proposes an interdisciplinary and transnational framework that builds from feminist art history, media art history, theory and archaeology, and science and technology studies to put in dialogue the work of women across the Americas to address connections and exchanges between them and decenter dominant Euro-Anglo narratives in the histories of women, art, science and technology.
Gabriela Aceves Sepúlveda is a media artist and cultural historian with a research focus on feminist media art, research-creation and Latin American art and its diasporas.
In SIAT, she directs the Critical Media Arts Studio (cMAS). She is the author of the award-winning book Women Made Visible: Feminist Art and Media in post-1968 Mexico (Nebraska Press, 2019). Her work has been published in the Feminist Media Histories Journal, Leonardo Music Journal and Media-N the Journal of the New Media Caucus, among others. She produces video installations, sculptures, digital projects, print media and live performances that investigate the body as a site of cultural, gendered and techno-scientific inscriptions.
Learn more about the Critical Media Art Studio and the projects from the lab.