Spaces & equipment

Learn about the facilities, work spaces and equipment available to undergraduate students.

Studios and working spaces

SIAT has two dedicated student studio spaces in room 3020 and 3875 on the SFU Surrey campus. These studios have been designed for students to work on projects in a team environment, and are adaptable to the changing needs of the project being worked on.

We also recommend taking a look at the general work spaces for the Surrey campus.

Students can also book team room spaces in SFU at Central City (SRYC) and SFU on University Drive (SRYE) using the online booking platform. Surrey spaces include team rooms in the Fraser Library, SRYC Galleria and SRYE, as well as SIAT studio and editing suites.

Solid Space Fabrication Lab

The SIAT Solid Space fabrication and prototyping lab allows students to realize their digital design projects in a tangible way. The lab is located in rooms 3701 and 3702.

Required safety training

Those needing ongoing lab access in the semester will need to take SFU's EHRS Shop Safety module, delivered online via Canvas. You will also need to complete a shop orientation as well.

Please note the cut-off dates for safety training every semester. The last month of each semester is for actual shop use only. If you miss the window of time we deliver training in, you will have to wait to take it until the next semester.

Lab fees

Students in IAT 336 and IAT 437 pay fees as part of their course.

Anyone else must pay semesterly fees to access the lab. Please contact the lab production specialist to have an invoice made. Payment can then be processed by admin staff in the SIAT office.

Only cash or cheques are accepted, and new requests for lab access are cut off aproximately one month before the semester ends. Emails are sent out to remind faculty and students every semester.

Solid Space production technologist

The Solid Space production technologist manages the lab, safety training, and supports students and faculty in their production needs. Please contact Maja with any questions you may have regarding Solid Space:

Maja Jensen

Phone: 778-782-8911

Lab times and booking

Solid Space is available from 9am-4pm, Monday-Thursday, by appointment. Please email to book a time in the space.

Entering the lab

Solid Space is entered by accessing the graduate student area at SIAT or via 3702.

Undergraduate students will not have access to Solid Space through this area as it is accessed by card key. Undergraduate students will be required to contact the production technologist to physically access the lab.

What the lab offers

Notable machines are 2 ULS laser cutters, a Fortus 250mc 3D printer, an Ultimaker 3d printer, CNC and 3D scanners. There is also an assortment of woodworking tools and portable power tools.

Note that our laser cutters cut combustibles only, thus we cannot cut metals, glass and the like.

Due to space and resource limitations, and focus as a modelmaking shop, we cannot accommodate spray finishing, metalworking, planing/jointing of wood (straightening of lumber), or cutting of large panels/sheet goods.


All SIAT undergraduate equipment is managed by the SFU Surrey library. You can see the complete list of equipment available through the library website.