51.52 In both departmentalized and non-departmentalized faculties, Deans may appoint other academic administrators. These include, but are not limited to, Directors of Programs or Centers and Course/Area Coordinators, and will be collectively referred to as Other Academic Administrative (OAA) Appointments, regardless of the position title.

51.53 The terms of OAA appointments, including remuneration, will vary with the scope and administrative complexity of the duties assigned, and will be decided by the Dean. OAA appointments may receive reduction in their teaching assignment, internal research grants, and/or research leave. All terms will be clearly outlined in the letter of appointment to the administrative position.

51.54 *NOTE: Insofar as policies governing academic-administrative appointments outside the bargaining unit contain provisions relating to the duties, responsibilities or privileges of Members of the bargaining unit, those provisions will not be changed without consultation as per Article 8.2: Joint Meetings.

If appointing a Director of Research Centre and Institute, please contact the Vice-President, Research and International Office (Director, Finance khung@sfu.ca)


Academic-Administrative Appointments Form (Updated Jul 25/22)

Collective Agreement Articles and Policies:

Article 51: Academic-Administrative Appointments within the Bargaining Unit

Policy R40.01: Research Centres and Institutes

Contact the Faculty Relations Advisor handling inquiries for your Faculty.

If appointing a Director of Research Centre & Institute, contact the VPRI Office (khung@sfu.ca).