
Learn How to Be Move out Ready

January 24, 2025

Move out day may feel a long way off, but it sneaks up quickly. The best method to having a quick and easy move out day is preparing as early as possible. When your final days in residence come around, you’ll have plenty of time for your last strolls around campus and visits with friends. Reduce the stress for future-you and review these move out steps so you’re ready when the day arrives:

So, what are the steps to having a great first week and setting yourself up for success?

Whether you’re receiving bills, important documents, or impulse online purchases, you won’t want your mail left behind once you’ve moved out. Updating your mailing address is an important (but easily forgotten) step in the move out process, so be sure to update any government services, family, friends, and retail websites with your new address. For those living in Chang Centre or Family Housing, mail forwarding is available via Canada Post.

Residence and Housing will not accept any mail if you’re no longer a resident, so all parcels will be returned to sender.

Leaving unreported damage in your space will result in damage charges. If you’ve been ignoring a mysterious leak, faulty appliance, or burnt-out lightbulb, all you need to do is visit your student portal and submit a maintenance request; it’s faster, easier, and cheaper than paying damage charges later on.

Refer back to your room inventory review from your first week in residence. This review is used to assess the condition of your space after you leave, so double check that there are no unreported changes.

Now that you’ve submitted your maintenance requests and avoided damage charges, the next step is avoiding cleaning charges. You’re not only responsible for the cleanliness of your room, but also the shared spaces you utilize. When you make a snack in the kitchen, clean up any spills and dishes. If you spill some popcorn while watching a movie with friends in a common room, don’t leave it behind. Respect your spaces and neighbours, and prevent charges for abandoning your messes. Maintenance staff documents and photographs rooms that are left unclean, untidy, and damaged, so do your part to keep it clean.

If you’re living in a building with in-suite kitchens and bathrooms, do one last deep clean of these spaces. To speed up the process, create a plan with your housemates to divide the cleaning tasks ahead of time.

Not sure where to begin or what you should clean? There’s a cleaning page on our website to help you out.

4.     Return Your Key

Burnaby residents should hand in their keys at the Residence and Housing office. Get your key receipt, or drop your key in the after-hours key drop box at the office.

For those living in Chang Centre, return your key in the key drop box located beside the mailbox in the lobby; a residence administrator will be present on move out day.

5.     Move out on time

If your space is clean and you’re ready to go, it’s time to drop off your key and move out of residence.
Make sure you have moved out by 12:00 p.m. (noon) and ensure that your key is handed in to prevent late charges or lock change charges.